Careers in Dentistry
Dentistry is the branch of medical science that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the teeth, gums, jaws and other related structures of the mouth. The field of dentistry is constantly growing to meet the increasing demand for dental care and there are many opportunities in this field for dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental laboratory technicians.
Dentists are healthcare professionals who provide preventive and restorative treatments for problems that affect the mouth and teeth. Dentists diagnose and treat problems with a patient’s teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth. They provide advice and instruction on taking care of teeth and gums and on diet choices that affect oral health.
Dentists typically do the following:
§ Remove decay from teeth and fill cavities
§ Repair cracked or fractured teeth and remove teeth
§ Straighten teeth to correct bite
§ Place sealants or whitening agents on teeth
§ Give anesthetics to keep patients from feeling pain during procedures
§ Write prescriptions for antibiotics or other medications
§ Examine x-rays of teeth, gums, the jaw, and nearby areas for problems
§ Make models and measurements for dental appliances, such as dentures, to fit patients
§ Teach patients about diet, flossing, use of fluoride, and other aspects of dental care
Most dentists are general practitioners and handle a variety of dental needs. Other dentists practice in one of nine specialty areas:
Dental public health specialists promote good dental health and the prevention of dental diseases in specific communities.
Endodontists, also called pulp specialists, perform root-canal therapy, by which they remove the nerves and blood supply from injured or infected teeth.
Oral and maxillofacial radiologists diagnose diseases in the head and neck through the use of imaging technologies.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons operate on the mouth, jaws, teeth, gums, neck, and head, including procedures such as surgically repairing a cleft lip and palate or removing impacted teeth.
Oral pathologists diagnose oral diseases, such as oral cancer or oral lesions.
Orthodontists straighten teeth by applying pressure to the teeth with braces or other appliances.
Pediatric dentists are specialists in the field of dentistry, which includes oral healthcare for children from infancy through the teenage years. In guiding children and teens through their dental growth and development, pediatric dentists often work closely with pediatricians, family physicians, and other dental specialists in providing comprehensive medical and dental care.
Periodontists treat the gums and bone supporting the teeth.
Ex.13. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:
Стоматологічна допомога, давати поради та рекомендації, давати знеболювальне, вирівнювати зуби, лікування пульпи зуба, видаляти нерви, ранній дитячий вік, підлітковий вік, зубні протези, кореневий канал, щелепа, шия.
Ex.14. Answer the following questions:
1. What is Dentistry? 2. What dental specialties do you know? 3. What are dentist’s duties? 4. What are orthodontists primarily concerned with? 5. How may teeth irregularities be corrected? 6. What procedures do oral surgeons perform? 7. What kind of dentist is pediatric dentist? 8. What specialist deals with the prevention and treatment of gum diseases? 9. What do dental public health specialists promote?
Ex.15. Match the following terms with their definitions:
1. Oral surgeon | a) the specialist who is primarily concerned with the prevention and correction of irregularities of the teeth |
2. Oral pathologist | b) the specialist who is concerned with root canal work |
3. Periodontist | c) the specialist who deals with the prevention and treatment of gum diseases |
4. Orthodontist | d) the person who prepares patients for treatment, hand instruments and material |
5. Endodontist | e) the specialist who is concerned with the diagnosis, study and treatment of mouth infections |
6. Dental assistant | f) the specialist who performs extractions, remove cysts, correct palates |
Ex.16. Read the following text and entitle it:
A dentist’s training enables him to undertake, without assistance, all of the treatment necessary for his patients, including construction of their dentures, crowns, gold inlays, etc. Except for the actual treatment performed within the mouth, however, much of the work, which a dentist is qualified to do, can be performed by others.
Dental hygienist. Dental hygienists (sometimes also known as oral health practitioners) are dental care professionals and work as part of the dental team. While dentists concentrate on treating tooth and gum conditions, the dental hygienist has a vital role in helping to prevent problems from arising. Dental hygienists carry out procedures such as scaling and polishing teeth, and applying topical fluoride and fissure sealants. The dental hygienist assesses the patient's oral tissues and overall health determining the presence or absence of disease, other abnormalities and disease risks; develops a dental hygiene diagnosis based on clinical findings; formulates treatment care plans; educates patients regarding oral hygiene and preventive oral care.
Dental laboratory technician is generally a highly skilled person who constructs artificial dentures, bridges and other dental appliances. Some of technicians perform all types of laboratory work, but others specialize in one aspect of constructing dentures.
Dental assistants greatly increase the efficiency of the dentist in the delivery of quality oral health care and are valuable members of the dental care team. The duties of a dental assistant are among the most comprehensive and varied in the dental office. The dental assistant’s responsibilities may include:
- assisting the dentist during a variety of treatment procedures
- taking and developing dental radiographs (x-rays)
- asking about the patient's medical history and taking blood pressure and pulse
- preparing and sterilizing instruments and equipment
- helping patients feel comfortable before, during and after dental treatment
- providing patients with instructions for oral care following surgery or other dental treatment procedures, such as the placement of a restoration (filling)
- teaching patients appropriate oral hygiene strategies to maintain oral health (e.g., toothbrushing, flossing and nutritional counseling)
- taking impressions of patients' teeth for study casts (models of teeth)
- performing office management tasks that often require the use of a personal computer
- communicating with patients models of teeth)
- performing office management tasks that often require the use of a personal computer
- communicating with patients (e.g., scheduling appointments, answering the telephone)
- helping to provide direct patient care in all dental specialties, including orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics and oral surgery
Ex.17. Insert the missing words given below:
A dental _______ can mix filing and impression _________; a dental _______ can make dentures, _______, gold inlays, etc. Dental hygienists are permitted to carry out the following dental work: scaling and polishing _______ , application of fluorides to teeth, dental health education. This _______ must be prescribed by a dentist and carried out under his ___________.
By utilizing all this _________, a dentist becomes the captain of a team which can practice in the most efficient way.
technician, materials, assistant, teeth, treatment, supervision, assistance, crowns |
Ex.18. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Стоматолог виконує різні види робіт. 2. Ортодонт виправляє неправильне положення зубів. 3. Хірурги-стоматологи видаляють зуби та виконують інші хірургічні процедури у ротовій порожнині. 4. Дитячі стоматологи пломбують зуби дітей, лікують інфекції ясен, попереджають виникнення аномалій прикусу. 5. Пародонтолог – це спеціаліст, який займається профілактикою та лікуванням захворювань ясен. 6. Існує певний перелік робіт, які дозволяють виконувати гігієністам-стоматологам. 7. Зубні техніки виготовляють протези, а протезисти займаються заміщенням втрачених зубів за допомогою штучних протезів.