The father of modern dentistry
Pierre Fauchard (1678 –1761) was a significant French physician, credited as being the "father of modern dentistry". He is widely known for his book, "The Surgeon Dentist" 1728, where he described the basic oral anatomy and function, signs and symptoms of oral pathology, operative methods for removing decay and restoring teeth, periodontal disease, orthodontics, replacement of missing teeth, and tooth transplantation. His book is said to be the first complete scientific description of dentistry. Fauchard's text was followed by others who continued to expand the knowledge of the dental profession throughout Europe.
- Pierre suggested that the German tooth worm theory was mistaken in its explanation of dental decay. His observations through the microscope showed there was no evidence of worms.
- Fauchard also said the cause of dental caries was sugar, and people should limit it from their daily food.
- Pierre disproved theories of spontaneous tooth generation, arguing that the first teeth, which are called milk teeth, separate themselves from their roots. Some dentists at Fauchard's time believed they didn't have roots.
- Fauchard introduced dental fillings as treatment for dental cavities, and he suggested amalgams like lead, tin and sometimes gold. He also said that teeth should be cleaned periodically by a dentist.
- Pierre said that braces should be used to correct the position of teeth, and that children's teeth could be moved more easily and quickly than adults', a result of the size of the teeth roots, according to Fauchard.
- Fauchard was ahead of his time in medical practice and he described the way how the patient should be greeted by the doctor and in what particular position the patient should sit.
- Pierre recommended that the dentist should stand behind the patient to help them relax, and he introduced the concept of dentist's chair light.
Ex.24. Insert the missing prepositions (for, by, from, of, ):
John Greenwood was one … George Washington’s, the first American President, most regular dentists. John was responsible … designing Mr. Washington’s famous dentures, which despite many legends were not wood but were carved … the tusk of a hippopotamus. John also invented the first known dental foot engine … modifying the foot pedal … his mother’s spinning wheel to rotate the drill.
Ex.25. Read the following information and compose the dialogue: