Choose the sentence with correct word order: mother-my-that-sometimes-my-thinks-English-Iearn-brothernever-will

a) My mother sometimes thinks that my brother will never learn English.

b) Sometimes thinks my mother that my brother will never learn English.

c) My mother sometimes thinks that English my brother will never learn.

Choose the sentence with correct word order: round - at - table - wooden - they - a - large - sat

a) They sat at a large wooden round table. b) They sat at a round large wooden table.

c) They sat at a large round wooden table.

13. He had many friends in his childhood, __

a) hadn't he? b) had he? c) didn't he?

14. __ there still ice-cream in the fridge, Mum?

a) was; b) were; c) is.

Choose the right question to the underlined word. Last year I lived with my family in Philadelphia.

a) Who lived with the family in Philadelphia? b) Where did he live with his family last year? c) When did he live with his family in Philadelphia?

16. He was good at (make) things with his own hands.

a) making; b) make; c) having made.

Make plural forms: a foot

a) foots; b) footes; c) feet.

Make plural forms: a child

a) childs; b) childes; c) children.