Read the text:

Choose the sentence with correct word order: at-o 'clock-ten-he-forgot-quite-he-that-a-lesson-had

a) He forgot quite that he had a lesson at 10 o'clock.

b) He quite forgot that he had a lesson at 10 o'clock.

c) He quite forgot that at 100' clock a lesson he had.

Choose the sentence with correct word order: doing-men-what-those-are?

a) What are those men doing? b) What are doing those men?

c) What those men are doing?

13. We can't go shopping after dinner, __

a) can we? b) can't we? c) do we'?

14. What animals __ there long ago?

a) were; b) are; c) have been.

15. Choose the right question to the underlined word: Little Jim wants to play in the yard every morning.

a) Who wants to play in the yard every morning?

b) What does Jim want to do in the yard every morning?

c) Where does Jim want to play every morning?

16. She was tired of (repeat) her part in the play.

a) repeat; b) repeating; c) having repeated.

17. Make plural forms: a boy-friend

a) boys-friends; b) boy-friends; c) boys-friend.

18. Make plural forms: a sheep

a) sheep; b) sheeps; c) sheepes.

19. Make plural forms: a toothbrush

a) teeth brush; b) toothbrushes; c) teethbrushes.

20. We planted _ tulips and _ roses in our garden. _ tulips are in full blossom now, and _ roses haven't broken out yet.

a) ---- ----. The the; b) the ----. The ----, c) the the. ---- ----

21. I've never had __ car in my life.

a) a; b) ----; c)the.

22. Medieval knights valued __ honour more than __ life.

a) ----, the; b) ----, -----; c) the, ----.

23. She is a painter. This picture is one of __ .

a) hers; b) theirs; c)them.

24. passed the exam. It was extremely difficult.

a) somebody; b) nobody; c) nothing.

25. __ is my book, _ is yours. Take it.

a) this, that; b) that, this; c) these, those.

26. This boy is __ in our group.

a) the youngest; b) younger; c) more younger.

27. This answer is definitely (bad) of all I've heard.

a) worse; b) baddest; c) the worst.

28. She was (beautiful) than her sister.

a) more beautiful; b) most beautiful; c) beautiful.

29. Our business is going very _ now.

a) good; b) well; c) goodly.

30. They are getting married __ six months' time. a) at; b) on; c) in.

Read the text:

Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa in Italy, about the year 1446. When he was only ten years old, Columbus went to a famous school near Genoa and studied Arithmetic and Geography.

He was only fourteen years old when he first sailed to the East. After that time he made many voyages before he was able to buy three small ships and sail across the Atlantic Ocean.

His life on the sea, talks with experienced sailors and the results of science made him convinced that the earth is round. He wanted to reach India by a westward voyage and at the same time to prove that the earth is round. He also wanted to discover a new and shorter way to the East.

Columbus set sail with his crew on the third of August 1492. He was in the Ocean for ten weeks. After many hardships, he and his sailors saw land. The land was America. Columbus continued his exploration but he always thought that the islands he had discovered were East Indies and he died never knowing that he had discovered a new continent.