A. Read the text and name the constituents of marketing.
Marketing includes the business activities connected with the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers. Sometimes it is called distribution. On the one hand, marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods, and on the other hand it includes such marketing operations as product planning, marketing research, pricing and promotion selling.
Marketing is guided by two basic principles: the satisfaction of customer needs and profitability. The ultimate objective of а business corporation is to generate profits. Satisfying customer needs is а necessary condition to achieve this objective, but it may not be sufficient condition. The business-corporation must select not only the customer needs which it will satisfy, but also the actions that it should undertake to this end, in such а way that the firm is profitable.
Different business corporations operate in а large diversity of sectors such as soft drinks, detergents, pharmaceuticals, electric appliances, automobiles, computers, electronic components, machine tools, banking, insurance, airlines and telecommunications, to name but а few. It is evident that these different marketing sectors require different types of knowledge and activities. In marketing it is customary to organize these various sectors into three broad groups: consumer goods, industrial goods and services.
Consumer goods are products bought by individual consumers and households. From the above list, soft drinks, detergents, pharmaceuticals, electric appliances and automobiles, belong to this category.
Industrial goods are products bought by corporations or institutions such as schools or hospitals. From the above 1ist, computers, electronic components and machine tools belong to this group. Another expression used for this category is «business-to-business» marketing.
In services sector, what is bought by a client is mainly not а tangible product but а service. Banking, insurance, airlines and telecommunications belong to this group.
The boundaries between these categories are not always clear cut. Most products are sold with some form of service (e.g. automobiles), and most services are sold with some form of tangible items (e.g. restaurants); the same products (e.g. computers) can at the same time be consumer goods when they are sold to an individual and industrial goods when they are sold to а corporation.