Duties of the President and Vice-President

2. Find the English equivalents for:

- Главнокомандующий вооруженными силами;

- вести внешнюю политику;

- утверждать закон;

- амнистировать;

- назначение.


3. Answer the following questions:

1. Who does the Executive branch include?

2. How many executive departments are there in the Cabinet?

3. Who appoints or elects the heads of the executive departments?

4. What qualifications should a person have to be elected the President of the USA?

5. How often is the President elected?

6. What are the functions of the President?

7. Why do the Americans have a Vice-President?


4 .Choose the correct answer:

The President…

1. makes plans for foreign policy

2. appoints people to the Supreme Court

3. writes taxes for states

4. votes in the Senate

5. sends soldiers to a war

The Vice-President…

1. vetoes laws

2. votes in the Senate

3. acts as a President

4. pardons

5. is the President of the Senate


5. Read the text without a dictionary and be ready to introduce each department: