From the History of Food Industry

Pre-reading tasks


1. Guess the meaning of the following international words:


Food industry, guild, private, history, versions, paste, experimentation, olive, modern, chemical, packaging, machines, transportation.

2. Name the part of speech and give the definition of the following words:

To grow – growth, to package – packaging, to refrigerate – refrigeration, to transport – transportation – transporter, to process – processing – processor, to manufacture – manufacture, to bake – baking – bakery – baker.


3. Read and translate the text about the history of food industry. Be ready to answer the questions.


Text 1

From the History of Food Industry


The food industry is a very ancient industry. Almost every branch of the food industry and particularly those dealing with grain and bread, meat and meat products, fish and fish products, was a well defined trade guild.

The food industry developed from the experience of generations.

Milling and baking were well developed in ancient times. There were both private and public ovens for baking bread. The history of bread is actually the history of the baking oven and the raw materials used for the preparation of bread. The history of bread goes back at least 30,000 years. The first bread produced was probably cooked versions of a grain-paste, made from roasted and ground cereal grains and water, and may have been developed by accidental cooking or deliberate experimentation with water and grain flour. Descendants of this early bread are still commonly made from various grains in many parts of the world.

Olive oil and honey were widely sold and bought. Cheese was manufactured thousands of years ago. Butter is also an ancient food.

The production of food, as an industry, actually has a history extending as far as the history of modern chemistry because it was considered a part of chemical technology. Thus the book "Chemical Technology" published in 1870 contained the following sections: starch, sugar manufacture, cane sugar, beet sugar, fermentation, wine making, beer brewing, bread baking, manufacture of vinegar, and essential oils.

The food industry developed in full with the growth of the processing industries and with improvement in food machines, transportation, refrigeration, storage and packaging.


Practice 1. Re-read the text and answer the questions.

1. In what way were the branches of food industry connected with the trade guilds?

2. When did the history of bread start?

3. What were the basic ingredients of the first bread?

4. What have you learnt about the role of chemistry in the history of food industry?


Practice 2. Give the Russian equivalents to the word-combinations from the text:

-experience of generations

-milling and baking

-ancient times

-private and public ovens

-raw materials

-ground cereal grains

-olive oil

-ancient food

-chemical technology

-processing industries

-wine making

Practice 3. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. industry 2. branch 3. meat 4. oven 5. cooking 6. various 7. honey 8. contain 9. manufacture   a) chamber used for the heating, baking or drying of a substance b) of many different kinds c) sweet food made by bees using nectar from flowers d) the production of goods for use or sale using labor and machines e) animal flesh that is eaten as food f) the process of preparing food, by the analog skills, often with the use of heat g) hold or keep within something h) the production of an economic good or service within an economy i) woody structural member connected to but not part of the central trunk of a tree/a sector of industry, economy, etc.    

Practice 4. Complete the sentences using the words from the table:


bread food water machines branch grain ovens

1. Every ________ was a well defined trade guild.

2. The ________was baked in public and private ________.

3. The production of ________ has a history extending as far as the history of modern chemistry.

4. The first bread was cooked of ________ and ________.

5. To develop food industry it is necessary to improve _______, transportation, storage and refrigeration.

Practice 5. Complete the table:

noun verb adjective