Задание 18. Переведите предложения, уделяя особое внимание способам перевода слов-заместителей:
a) this/these/that/those.
1. Every man has three characters: that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has. 2. The procedure that has been followed has many disadvantages. 3. The method investigated for solving these problems is that of combinatorial programming. 4. They didn’t ask us to prove that the symbols in question were effective. 5. That these patterns can be critical has been demonstrated by Fogg. 6. It is necessary that the criteria should be made explicit. 7. It is imperative to good management that risks and costs be minimized. 8. We simply assume that names will be substituted by the expressions that define them. 9. This solution has the disadvantage that it is too complicated. 10. The Greeks in the fifth century B.C. had the idea that the Earth was the sphere. 11. If one believes that one will believe anything. 12. This formulation reduces to that given in (6).13. The most extensive investigation was that of Lehman. 14. The original problem is now broken up into 3 regions. These are loss free regions. 15. The job of a teacher is not so exciting as that of an actor. 16. The life of a caveman was much shorter than that of a modern man.
b) one.
1. It is possible to relate this phenomenological phase diagram to a more conventional one. 2. One is never old to learn. 3. One should see the situation with one’s own eyes. 4. The reduced problem has the same structure as the original one. 5. The problem to be solved is fundamentally a mathematical one. 6. One may postulate that this hypothesis holds under the circumstances. 7. The use of an analogue computer permits one to obtain such records quite rapidly. 8. In Fig. 2 one can see the negative influence of the strategy. 9. Going one step further, a complementary operator might be added. 10. As one turns the pages one is impressed by two aspects of the work. 11. Such an overall approach is obviously a long-term one. 12. This chapter considers the alternative ways in which one could try to bring about such an improvement. 13. The largest countries are not as specialized as the smaller ones.
c) do.
1. Sugar dissolves in water. So does common salt.
2. Gold does not tarnish in the air as do most metals.
3. The pressure didn’t change, nor did the temperature.
4. We do not expect to construct machines to think in the same way that human beings do.
5. A wise man seldom changes his mind, a fool never does.
6. Some writers include zero among the natural numbers, while others do not.
7. As the project size increases, so does the project duration though not at the same rate.
d) it.
1. I have read your paper and found it very interesting.
2. The temperature is rising slowly. It means that you’ve got a cold.
3. I tried the door. It was locked.
4. He knew that his father was dying but he didn’t want to speak with
anyone about it.
e) the former…the latter
1. We have Dr. Arthur and Walker’s opinion on this question, the former being a scientific worker of a well-known laboratory, and the latter director of a large plant.
2. In this paper, we shall take the former approach.
3. This latter case is considerably more difficult to represent.
4. It is a mistake to believe, as does the author, that the latter activity was peculiar to the government.
5. Of Nigeria and Ghana, the former has the larger population.
6. Did he walk or swim? The former seems more likely. The latter seems unlikely.
7. Of pigs and cows, the latter are more valuable.
Задание 19. Переведите предложения,обращая внимание на перевод глагола to do.
1. It doesn't do to be too curious or inquisitive. 2. Our desires for what we do not have keep us from enjoying what we do have. 3. The book does not simply discuss what you must do, but gives you effective tools for how to do it. 4. Every force does its own job no matter how many other forces are acting. 5. The fact that the theory does not fail in some other cases is irrelevant. 6. It does indeed lead to problems. 7. People would agree that education has something to do with economic growth. 8. The difficulty has nothing to do with these changes. 9. More education does not necessarily mean faster growth. In general, however, it probably does. 10. The first argument relies as it does on these assumptions. 11. The labour market does not work perfectly. 12. It cannot be done satisfactorily. 13. Only then did it work perfectly. 14. The investigation does, however, illustrate two basic approaches to the problem. 15. We do not possess any accurate understanding of cause and effect. Nor do we know how to evaluate the performance of the system. 16. These effects can be done away with with the help of the new model.