

Византийская архитектура – Byzantine architecture (см. раздел II).

Романская архитектура - Romanesque architecture (см. раздел II).

Готическая архитектура - Gothic architecture (см. раздел II).

Классическая архитектура - Classic architecture: of ancient Greeks and Romans; characteristic of or derived from artistic standards , principles and methods of the ancient Greeks and Romans; having a style that is balanced, formal, objective, restrained, etc.

Ордер (архитектурный) - order ['o:də]: any of several classical styles of structure, determined chiefly by the type of column and entablature.

· дорический ордер – the Doric order ['dorik]: relating to the classic order of architecture; heavy columns with simple capitals. The perfect embodiment of the Doric order is the Parthenon.

· ионический ордер – the Ionic order [ai'onik]: characterized by ornamental scrolls (spiral volutes) on the capitals.

· коринфский ордер - the Corinthian order [kə'rinθiən]: most richly decorated style of ancient Greek building, distinguished by a slender, fluted column and a bell-shaped capital, decorated with a design of acanthus leaves and volutes.

антаблемент (архитрав, фриз, карниз)– entablature [in'tæblət∫ə]: a horizontal superstructure supported by columns and composed of architrave, frieze and cornice.

· архитрав - architrave ['a:kitreiv]: the lowest part of an entablature, a beam resting directly on the tops or capitals of the columns.

· фриз - frieze [fri:z]: a horizontal band, often decorated with sculpture, between the architrave and cornice of a building.

· карниз - cornice ['ko:nis]: a horizontal molding projecting along the top of a wall, building, etc.

альков - alcove['ælkouv]: a small partly enclosed space in a room, in a garden wall, etc.

апсида - apse['æps]: the curved or many sided end of a building, especially the last end of a church.

базилика - basilica [bə'zilikə]: (in ancient Rome) a long room, round at one end, with a roof resting on two lines of stone supports, used as a low court; a church with a form like this.

бельведер (остроконечная башенка) – pinnacle ['pinəkl]: a small tarret or spire on a buttress (выступающая часть строения) or an angle pier.

горгулья - gargoyle ['ga:goil]: a water-spout, usually in the form of a grotesquely carved animal or fantastic creature, projecting from the gutter of a building.

кариатида - caryatid [kæri'ætid]: a pillar, a support for a building shaped like a clothed female figure.

колонна - column ['koləm]: a slender upright structure, generally consisting of a shaft, a base and a capital.

· цоколь, нижняя часть колонны – base [ beis ].

· ствол колонны - shaft [ ∫a:ft ].

· капитель, верх колонны - capital ['kæpitl].

неф - nave [neiv]: the long central part of a church, often between two aisles.

пантеон - pantheon ['pænθiən]: a temple built in honour of all gods; all the gods of a nation thought of together.

пилястра - pilaster [pi'læstə]: a rectangular support or pier projecting partially from a wall and treated architecturally as a column.

портик - portico ['po:tikou], porch [po:t∫]:a covered entrance to a building, sometimes consisting of a roof supported by pillars.

портал - portal ['po:tl]: a doorway, gate or entrance, especially a large and imposing one.

ротонда - rotunda [rou'tλ(u)ndə]: a round building, hall or room, especially one with a dome.

фронтон - fronton ['frλntən], gable ['geibl]: a triangular decorative feature, such as that over a door or window; the triangular wall enclosed by the sloping ends of a ridged roof.


the British Museum, London

Roerich Institute, New York

the Metropolitan Museum, New York

the Dresden Picture Gallery, Germany

the Louvre, Paris

the National Gallery, London