The expressive means (laws) of painting.
Грунт (левкас) – ground, priming. A colour used as a background or first layer on a painting, drawing, etc.
Импасто - impasto. A way of painting with thick layers of paint.
Колорит – colouring, colour-scheme. A combination of colours used together somewhere.
Композиция – composition. The arrangement of the parts of a work of art so as to form a unified, harmonious whole.
Лессировка – finishing touches. To provide the finished picture with a final polishing or coat of transparent paint.
Мазок – stroke, touch, dash, dab.
Перспектива – perspective. A method of showing distance in a picture by making far away objects smaller.
Пропорция – proportion. The correct, most useful, or most attractive relationship between things.
Ракурс – foreshortening. To represent some lines of an object as shorter than they actually are in order to give the illusion of proper relative size in accordance with the principles of perspective.
Рисунок – drawing.
Светотень – chiaroscuro [kıa:rəsk`juərou], light and shade. The way that light and dark areas create a pattern in drawings and paintings.
Сфумато – sfumato (итал. – «дымка»). The method invented by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting characterized by the lack of any rigidity of contour and the most subtle transitions between tones and shapes.
5. Художественные объединения и школы.