Random compositions (1940s and 1950s in the USA,

France and some other countries).

Авангардизм - Avant-gardism [͵ævɔ:ɳ´ga:dızm]:new or

Unconventional movements in arts based on the

Newest ideas and methods.

Арт-нуво - Art nouveau [a:tnu:´vɔu]: a style of art and

decoration common at the end of the 19th century

in Europe and America, using flowing lines and

plant forms.

Арт-деко - Art deco [a:tdekou]: a style of art and decoration

popular in the 1920s and 1930s in Europe and

America, using especially simple shapes and

man-made materials.

Дадаизм - Dadaism:A western European artistic and literary movement (1916-1923) having as its program the discovery of authentic reality through the abolition of traditional cultural and aesthetic forms by a technique of comic derision in which irrationality, chance and intuition were the guiding principles. /French’ dada’, pet theme, hobbyhorse, from baby talk (a name arbitrarily adopted by leading members of the movement)

Поп-арт - Pop art: a form of modern art which shows

common objects from everyday life such as

advertisments, articles found around the house, etc.,

rather than usual subject of art.

Оп-арт - Op art (optical art): a form of modern art using

patterns that play tricks on your eyes.

Концептуальное - Conceptual art [kən´septʃul]: a tendency in

искусство avant-gardism in 1960-1990s which proclaimed

the transition from traditional works of art to the

creation of “artistic ideas-concepts”, often not

having stable artistic form.

Наивное искусство - Naïve art: a primitive style of painting, resembling children’s drawings, due to brightness of colours and accuracy of forms (Henri Rousseau, Fr.; Alfred Wallis, Gr.Br; Niko Pirosmanishvili, Georgia)


2. Жанры изобразительного искусства

Genres in Fine Arts


Анималистический жанр – animal painting

Батальная живопись – battle painting

Гротеск– grotesque [grou`tesk] – a picture showing something strange and unnatural so as to cause fear, disbelief or amusement

Жанровая живопись – genre painting

Историческая живопись – historical painting

Мифологический жанр – mythological painting

Морской пейзаж – marine [mə`rı:n], sea-scapes

Натюрморт – still life [stıllaıf].

Пастораль – pastoral [`pa:stərəl] – concerning simple peaceful country life

Пейзаж – landscape [`lændskeıp].

Портретная живопись – portraiture [`pə:trıtʃə]

3. Tехника живописи