Trends in Fine Arts.

Литература Literature

Музыка Music

Хореография Choreography[͵kɔrı:´agrəfı:]

Театр Theatre

Кино Cinema

Телевидение Television

Цирк Circus

Эстрада Variety

Народное искусство Folk Art


1. Художественные направления в изобразительном искусстве.

Trends in Fine Arts.


Античное искусство - Antique [æn´tı:k] art: the ancient style,

esp. of Greek or Roman sculpture, architecture,

etc. ( from the 10th century BC till the 5th

century AD ).

Архаика - Archaic [a:´keıık] : the early period of Greek

art ( 7th and 6th century BC ).

Эллинистическое искусство - Hellenistic [͵helı´nıstık]: concerning the history,

civilization, or art of ancient Greece and other

countries of the Eastern Mediterranean during

the last centuries BC.

Византийское искусство - Byzantine [bızæntaın] art: Archit. designating

or of a style developed in Byzantium and

Eastern Europe between the 4th and 15th

centuries, characterized by domes over square

areas, round arches, mosaics, etc.

Art. decorative style of the mosaics, frescoes, etc.

characterized by lack of perspective, use of rich

colours, especially gold, and emphasis on

religious symbolism.

Романский стиль - Romanesque style [roumə´nesk]: Archit. the style

in architecture of buildings with round arches

and thick pillars that was common in Western

Europe in about the 11th century.

Готика (готический стиль) - Gothic [´ɡɔɵık]: a style of building common in

Western Europe between the 12th and 16th

centuries with pointed arches, tall pillars,

tall thin pointed windows often with coloured

glass in them, steep, high roofs, etc.

Ренессанс - Renaissance [͵rı´neısəns]: the great revival of

art, literature and learning in Europe in the

14th , 15th and 16th centuries, based on classical

sources: it began in Italy and spread gradually

to other countries and marked the transition

from the medieval world to the modern.

Раннее Возрождение - Trecento [tre´tʃentou]: (the 14th century)


Высокое Возрождение - Quatrocento [kwatrɔ´tʃentou]: (the 15th century)


Позднее Возрождение - Cinquecento [tʃı:ŋkweı´tʃentou]: (the 16th


Северное Возрождение - Renaissance in North Europe (Netherlands

and Flanders)

Маньеризм - Mannerism [´mænərızəm]: a 16th century style

in art characterized by distortion of realistic

proportions, contorted figures, an avoidance of

classical balance.

Классицизм - Classicism [͵klæsı´sızəm]: 1. the principles,

ideas, and style ( especially with regard to balance,

regularity, and simpleness of forms) of the art or

literature of ancient Greece or Rome. 2. (often

cap.) in art and literature, especially in Europe

in the 18th century, the quality of being simple,

balanced, and controlled, not giving way to feeling,

and following ancient models.

Барокко - Baroque [bə´rɔk]: (Port. Imperfect pearl):

a highly decorated style, which was fashionable

in art, buildings, music, etc. in Europe during

the 17th and the last half of 18th centuries.

Рококо (рокайль) - Rococo [rəkoukou]: a style of architecture and

decoration developed in France from the baroque

and characterized by elaborate and profuse

ornamentation imitating foliage, shell work,

scrolls, etc. (1st half of the 18th century)

Романтизм - Romanticism [roumæntısızəm]: a style in art and

literature especially in the early 19th century, the

quality of admiring feeling rather than thought and

wild nature beauty rather than things made by


Реализм - Realism [´rıəlızəm]: a style in art and literature,

especially following Romanticism in the 19th century;

the showing of things as they really are.

Примитивизм - Primitivism [´pımətıvızəm]: the trend in the art of

the 19th-20th centuries when modern painters

painted simple and rather flat-looking pictures of

the qualities and principles of primitive art or


Символизм - Symbolism [´sımbəlızəm]: the representation of

things by use of symbols, especially in art and

literature (in the late 19th century); tendency in

American and European art.

Импрессионизм - Impressionism [ımpreʃənızəm]: a style of painting

(especially in France from 1870-1900) which

produces effects (especially of light) by use of colour

rather than by details of form.

Пост - импрессионизм - Post-impressionism: The theory, practice, or

methods of a group of late 19th century painters,

including Cezanne, Van Gogh, and Gauguin, who

revolted against the objectivity and scientific

naturalism of impressionism and placed emphasis

upon the subjective viewpoint of the artist or the

formal structure and style of the painting.

Модернизм - Modernism [´mɔdənızəm]: a search for new

forms of expression representative of modern times,

especially a tendency in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s

to make a complete change from the past in using

simple forms, artificial materials in buildings, art

decoration, etc.

Экспрессионизм - Expressionism [ıkspreʃənısəm]: a style of painting

(especially in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th

centuries) which expresses feelings rather than

describing objects and experiences.

Кубизм - Cubism [kju:bızəm]: a 20th century art style in

which the subject matter is represented by

geometric shape.

Пуантилизм - Pointilism [´pæntılızəm]: a style of painting

(дивизионизм) of certain French impressionists in which a white

ground is systematically covered with tiny points

of pure colours that blend together when seen

from a distance, producing a luminous effect.

Футуризм - Futurism [´fju:tʃərızəm]: a new style of painting

in the early 20th century which claimed to express

the violent active quality of life in the modern age

of machines.

Сюрреализм - Surrealism [sə:´rıəlızəm]: a modern type of art and

literature in which the painter, writer, etc., connects

unrelated images and objects in a strange dreamlike


Фовизм - Fauvism [´fouvızəm]: a French expressionist

movement in painting at the beginning of the 20th

century characterized by bold distortion of form and

the use of strong, pure colour.

Абстрактное искусство - Abstractionism [æbstr´ækʃənızm]: art abstracted

from reality, in which designs or forms may be

definite and geometric or fluid and amorphous;

a generic term that encompasses various nonrealistic

contemporary schools.

Живопись действия - Action painting: a form of abstract expressionism in

(абстрактный which such methods as the spattering or dripping

экспрессионизм) of paint are used to create bold, fluid, apparently