VII. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в них герундий, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The student was fond of reading detective stories.
2. I could not help him in solving the problem.
3. The investigator insisted on searching the crime scene once again.
IX. Переведите текст A на русский язык и запишите перевод в правую часть тетради напротив английского варианта текста.
Text A
Sherlock Holmes is a popular detective, the main character of fifty-five detective stories by Conan Doyle, the famous English Writer (1859-1930).
In these stories, Sherlock Holmes is a consulting non-government detective. He was able to find a murder when government detectives, the police of Scotland Yard, were unable to do that. He had good knowledge of the history of crime, criminalities and criminology. He was especially good at chemistry and soil identification. However, his knowledge of anatomy and medicine was unsystematic.
Besides, he was a good violinist and a very good boxer. It was his hobby. Usually he was full of energy but sometimes he was strangely weak. He was a
man with a sharp eye. He was a doctor and an artist at the same time. His motto was to observe properly and make a correct conclusion. He was always ready to help people.
The image of Sherlock Holmes was so popular that many people were of the opinion that he was a real person and was able to detect criminals and solve any crime.
X. Выпишите из текста A эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
- известный
- популярный
- консультирующий детектив
- найти преступника
- быть в состоянии, мочь
- государственный детектив
- знание
- история преступности
- криминология
- криминалистика
- медицина
- увлечение
- скрипач
- проницательный
- острый взгляд
- наблюдать должным образом
- делать верное заключение
- помогать людям
- быть готовым
- раскрыть преступление
XI. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст B. Cоставьте не менее 5 вопросов , которые явились бы планом для пересказа текста.
Text B.