The Most Glamorous Aspect of Police Work.
Most police officers regard detective work as “real” police work. Detective
work has a specific mission of apprehending the offender. The quality of work can also be measured by the number of arrests. This contrasts sharply with patrol duty, which largely involves peacekeeping. Good defectives are believed to be able to solve most crimes. So the citizens become angry when the police fail to solve the crime they suffered from.
The process of investigating a crime involves several different steps performed
by at least three different units within a police department: patrol officers, detectives, field-criminalists. The two major stages of the investigation process are the preliminary investigation and the follow-up investigation.
The preliminary investigation is normally the responsibility of the patrol
officer who is the first to arrive at the scene of the crime. The five major responsibilities include arresting any suspect or suspects, providing aid to any victim, securing the crime scene to prevent loss of evidence, collecting all relevant physical evidence, and preparing a preliminary report.
When the responding officers has completed the preliminary investigation, the case is assigned to the detective bureau for the follow-up investigation. administrative unit. They are available upon request to assist detectives in the follow-up investigation. Technical specialists in investigation are normally located in a separate
The follow-up investigation includes the following steps: 1) interrogation of a suspect or suspects, if arrested at the scene of the crime; 2) interview of witnesses; 3) search of the crime scene for physical evidence; 4) modus operandi review to determine, if the crime is similar to others under investigation or resembles crimes committed by known suspects; 5) development of additional information from informants, contacts, official records, etc; 6) preparation of the report.
Задание 8. Выпишите из текста эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
эксперт криминалист
место преступления
собирать вещественные доказательства
допрос подозреваемых
опрос свидетелей
предварительное расследование
дальнейшее расследование
расследовать преступление
раскрывать преступление
задерживать правонарушителя
Задание 9. Составьте на английском языке краткую аннотацию текста, используя данные вопросы в качестве плана:
1. What is the title of the text?
2. What information does the text contain?
3. How many parts can the text be divided?
4. What is a specific mission of detective work?
5. What are the main steps in the progress of investigating a crime?
6. What steps does the preliminary investigation include? Who is responsible for this stage?
7. What steps does the follow-up investigation include? Who is responsible for this stage?
8. What is regarded as “real” police work?
9. Is the text interesting and informative?
10. Does the text widen your world outlook?
II вариант
I. Перепишите и, пользуясь юридическим словарем, переведите данные слова и словосочетания:
assault: assaulter; common assault; aggravated assault; violent assault; assault and battery; assault in concert; criminal assault.
convict: convicted person; conviction; previous conviction; to sustain conviction;
second conviction.
court: court of appeals; court of justice; civil court; to commit to court; to go into court; district court; open court; common law court; the Supreme Court; to hear a case in court.
II. Напишите прописью следующие количественные и порядковые числительные, даты:
116; 406; 723; 400; 12,609; 18; 5;
первый, второй, третий, восьмой, тридцатый, девятнадцатый, двести пятьдесят шестой;
13 августа 1801; 13 января 1900; 8 июля 1975; 15 декабря 2000; 31 октября 1753;
половина; четверть.