What is usually asked for in the body of an inquiry?
In the body is usually asked for the following: catalogues, price-lists, prospectuses, details, samples, patterns, demonstrations, suggesting terms, methods of payment, discounts, goods on approval or on sale or return.
Replies to inquiries.
What are the general rules for writing a reply to an inquiry?
Be prompt with your reply. Address every question courteosly, even those that seem errant or ollogical. You must take into account that your reader probably lacks yor expertise. Keep your response on point and on task, as short and complete as possible. Avoid going beyond the scope of the writer’s request. When responding to a forwarder letter of inquiry, make note of it in the opening paragraph of your reply. It informs the writer know that you are the contact person to whom future communications should be addressed. In your cloing paragraph, express your willingness to be of further assistance.
What should you do if you received an inquiry erroneously?
If you received an inquiry erroneously, or have nither the information requested nor the authority to reply, forward it on to the person in your company who does. Attach a memo to that person explaining your reason for forwarding the letter.
What are the parts of a reply? (3)
Thank the writer for his/her letter and quote any other references that appear.
Body or the main part. You can include here:
- confirming that you can help
- sell your product
- suggeting alternatives
- referring a customer elsewhere
- catalogues, price-lists, prospectuses, samples
- denonstrations, representatives, showroom visits
Always thank the customer for writing to you, if you have not done so in the beginning ogf the letter. You should also encourage further enquiries.
What should you do right after the opening lines? (confirm you can help)
Confirming that you can help
Let the writer know as soon as possible if you have the product or can povide the service he/she is enquiring about.
Should you sell your product in your reply?
Yes. Encourage or persuade your prospective customer to do business with you. A simple answer that you have the goods in stock is not enough. Your customer might have made ten other enquiries, so remember it is not only in sales letters that you have to perswuade. Mrntion 1 o r 2 selling points of your product, including any guarantees you offer.