Elements of a sales letter
1. The headline is usually 3 - 10 words long. It grabs the reader's attention, and tells him what the ad (sales letter) is about. It makes a promise regarding what the item you are selling will do for him.
The headline is THE most important part of your letter! The headline has a benefit and makes a promise. The promise should be unique to what you are selling, and one that your competitors are currently not talking about. Use "power words" in the headline. Try: "You," "Free," "Proven," "Imagine," "How To…," "Fast," "Cheap," "Enjoy," "Now," "Learn," "Introducing," etc.
2. The sub-headline or lead paragraph. It is optional. It can be used to expand the promise made in the headline or used to deliver a 2nd major benefit of the product or service. A sub-headline can also be used as the second part, to answer a question posed in the headline.
3. The body: it expands the theme, fills in details, offers proof, and shows how you plan to fulfill the promise you made in the headline.
Layout and length are important: Vary the length of your sentences and paragraphs. Short words, which are unambiguous, are best. Keep your letter as short as possible.
4. The closing, or call to action, urges the reader to take the next step you want him to take.
6.1. What is a resume?A resume (curriculum vitae) is a short summary of candidate’s background and qualification. An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dream and a poor resume may mean a lost opportunity.
To begin planning your resume, decide which type of resume you need. This decision is in part based on requirements that prospective employers may have, and in part based on what your background and employment needs are.