What differs a memo from a business letter?
Memos can be as formal as a business letter. However, the heading and overall tone make a memo different from a business letter. Because you generally send memos to co-workers and colleagues, you do not have to include a formal salutation or closing remark.
Is a memo always a right solution to communicate a matter?
While memos are a convenient channel to communicate, it is always necessary to determine if a meeting is more appropriate. By meeting with everyone, however, you not only get to hear final decisions but the rationale behind them. In fact, new ideas may stem from face-to-face discussions.
What are the purposes of memos?
Usually you write memos to inform readers of specific information. You might also write a memo to persuade others to take action, give feedback on an issue, or react to a situation. However, most memos communicate basic information, such as meeting times or due dates.
5. What can the audience for memos be?The typical audience for a memo is your co-workers and colleagues. However, in the age of downsizing, outsourcing, and teleconferencing, you might also write memos to employees from other companies working on the project, or other departments within your company.
6. What information does a memo heading provide?A memo's heading provides information about who will receive the memo, who is sending the memo, the date, and the memo's subject.
7. What tone is used for memos?Since you typically send memos to those working within your company, you can use a more informal tone than you would if you were writing a business letter.
8. How long could a memo be?Memos are generally short, concise documents. However, you may have to write longer memos, depending on your topic.
What are the format guidelines?
· Memos have one-inch margins around the page and are on plain paper
· All lines of the memo begin at the left margin
· The text begins two spaces after the subject line
· The body of the memo is single-spaced, with two spaces between paragraphs
· Second-page headings are used, as in business letters (it includes who the Memo is to, the page number, and the date)
· The sender usually signs the Memo using initials, first name, or complete name.