Business letter layout
Can you name the components of a business letter?
1. Letterhead with the Sender’s or Return Address and the date
2. Inside Address
3. References
4. Attention Line / Private or Confidential
5. Salutation
6. Subject Line
7. Body
8. Complimentary Close
9. Signatures
10. Enclosure Lines
11. Copy Line
Why is it essential for business letters to have a rather strict format?
1. its format should allow readers to grasp information quickly
2. information should stand out to readers as they scan the document
3. it should be an effective way of communication
4. it shows your professionalism
What makes up the heading?
1. letterhead (contains type of company, board of directors, addresses)
2. date (should not be written in figures)
If correspondence does not have a printed letterhead, the sender’s address is written on the top right-hand side of the page.
How many pages could a business letter be? What pages can be printed on letterhead stationary? What is the layout for the subsequent pages?
Try to keep your letter to one page, but if your letter is longer, begin your continuation page 3 blank lines below the heading. Continuation page should include at least three lines of text, otherwise, evaluate the contents of previous pages.
Print only the first page of any letter on letterhead stationary, with subsequent pages on blank paper, with the heading:
Ms. Mary Brown
Page 2
February 24, 2007
Do not number the first page.