The problem of parts of speech.

Parts of speech are recognized by traditional grammarbut the problem of definition is always evident.

Approaches: 1) grammatical

2) Lexical - grammatical

Реформатский: parts of speech purely grammatical categories

Смирнитский: Lexical – grammatical categories


1. Problem: Parts of speech

Ахманова: Parts of speech – lexica – grammatical classes of words, possessing for four features: 1) a certain common (abstract, categorical meaning) 2) the system of the grammatical category typical for this class 3) Peculiarities of syntetic functions 4) special types of word form derivation

The 2 main problems: 1) how many parts of speech are there?

2) What are they?

According to Ахманова`s opinion there 11 parts of speech

Prof. Ахманова`s approach

1. Nouns

2. Verbs

3. Adjectives Notional

4. Adverbs

5. Pronouns

6. Numerals


7. Prepositional

8. Conjunction

9. Interjection

10. Articles

11. Particles


Prof. Ильиш`s treatment

12. Modal

13. Statives


Three criteria for every parts of speech


1) meaning (semantic or lexical, the generalize meaning is common for all words for a certain class)

2) form (morphological, grammatical categories)

3) Function (case number)


Two levels