Management Levels, Functions and Performance
1. There are three management levels: top management, middle management and operating management. Top management is known to include the president, vice president and the general manager. Middle management includes department managers, plant managers and production superintendents. Different supervisors and foremen are supposed to refer to operating management.
2. The most important responsibility of a manager at any level is decision making.(Decisions are often said to be the motor of business). Decision-making embraces the following managerial functions: planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing and innovating.
3. Speaking about managerial performance it should be mentioned that successful management rests on three basic elements: leadership, motivation and communication.
4. The leadership style, which a manager adopts, depends on goals and needs of the manager and his subordinates. The general work environment is known to affect that style too. There are three basic leadership styles: autocratic, democratic, and full non-interference. A good manager is supposed to make use of all these styles and to choose the right style for each situation.
5. The modern concept of motivation refers to the process of creating a work environment that will stimulate employees to work better. It means that a manager must present a clear picture of what the employees are expected to do. It is necessary to provide them necessary guidance and give them the feeling that their work is important and contributes to final result. Managers must make employees feel that they are valued and supported.
6. Leadership and motivation to be effective, the manager must be able to communicate well with subordinates and encourage feedback from them. A lack of effective communication leads to artificial barriers where there is little understanding between managers and subordinates and where operational results are based on abuses of authority rather than strong leadership and motivation.
7. So, good managers are expected to be able to provide motivation, goals, resources, leadership, communication, but not restrictions: subordinates don’t like the managers to control all their steps.
Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы.
a) Where do you study?
b) What is your future speciality?
c) Why have you chosen this speciality?
d) Is your present work connected with management?
e) Is it difficult to become a manager?