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Ventilation is a vital part of firefighting. Ventilation is the planned release of smoke and gases from a confined area. You must remember that the release of these gases can also aid in the rescue of trapped victims. Ventilation creates a safer environment and allows the rescuer to quickly search the area.
The proper release of smoke and gases can also reduce structural damage. It reduces the potential for a backdraft, as well as the effects of mushrooming. Ventilation makes firefighting easier, and helps to confine the spread of the fire itself. Two types of ventilation used by firefighters are natural venting and forced (mechanical) venting. Both types permit the vertical and horizontal movement of smoke and gas from a fire building.
Natural vertical ventilation is generally performed on the roof of the building on fire by making an opening. This allows the heat and smoke to travel up and out of the fire building. Opening windows in the fire area is an example of natural horizontalventilation. This allows the heat and smoke to travel out of the windows.
Mechanical ventilation takes place when mechanical devices, such as smoke ejectors or hoses with nozzles, are used to remove heated gases from the area. A smoke ejector might be used in a cellar fire when smoke has traveled to the far end of the cellar, creating a heavy smoke condition that cannot be removed naturally. The smoke ejector would be brought into the area to draw the smoke out of the cellar. A nozzle is used with a hose to create a fine spray of water. When directed towards an open window, the water spray pushes smoke and heated gases out of the window.
Найдите в тексте (задание № 10) и выпишите английские эквиваленты к данным словосочетаниям.
1. ограниченное пространство
2. удаление дыма и газов
3. спасение людей из завалов
4. уменьшить повреждение конструкций
5. обратная тяга
6. ограничить распространение огня
7. естественная вентиляция
8. механическая вентиляция
9. горящее здание
10. происходить
11. пожарные рукава с насадками
12. пожар в подвале
13. условия сильного задымления
14. удалить
15. мелко распыленная струя воды
Закончите предложения, выбрав подходящее слово. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
confine remove release rescue create
1. The main aim of ventilation is to _____ smoke and gases from a fire.
2. A nozzle is used with a hose to _____ a fire spray of water.
3. In a heavy smoke condition it is impossible to _____ gases naturally.
4. Ventilation can also help to _____ victims quickly while searching the area.
5. Ventilation helps to _____ spread of the fire.