Housing construction began in Harlem after 1900. But at first very few people needed new apartments in Manhattan, and the new buildings remained empty. Then a black man gave an idea to the building owners: why not rent the apartments to the black families who wanted to move from the old, half-ruined apartments in which they lived in downtown Manhattan? The idea worked, and in this way Harlem became an area mostly inhabited by black population.
Soon many people began saying that in Harlem blacks had better opportunities for housing and education. Many blacks moved to Harlem, not only from downtown Manhattan, but also from the south of the United States and even from the islands of the Caribbean.
The 1920s were the time of Harlem flourishing. Famous jazz musicians regularly performed in Harlem, Duke Ellington among them.
The depression of the 1930s hit Harlem hard. With a bad economy and continued discrimination, many blacks were unable to earn a living. The area became poorer, and many middle-class blacks left. Harlem has never really recovered economically. Yet it has kept its special atmosphere and remains a centre of black culture.
Boroughs [΄bΛrəz] –районы, составные части города
Manhattan [mæn΄hætn] -Манхэттэн
Brooklyn [΄bruklin] -Бруклин
Queens [kwi:nz] -Куинз
Bronx [bronks] - Бронкс
Staten Island [΄steitn΄ailənd] –Стейтен Айленд
the East Side [΄ist΄said] – Восточная часть
the West Side[΄west΄said] –Западная сиорона
Fifth Avenue[΄fifθ΄ævənju:] –Пятая Авеню
Lower (Downtown) Manhattan [΄louə΄dauntaun mæn΄hætn] –Нижний Манхэттэн
Midtown –Средний Город
Upper (Uptown) Manhattan[΄Λpə΄Λptaun mæn΄hætn] –Верхний Манхэтэн
Wall Street[΄wo:l΄stri:t] –Уол Стрит
the New York Stock Exchange [΄stok iks΄t∫eindз]Нью Йоркская Фондовая Биржа
the American Stock Exchange –Американская Фондовая Биржа
the World Trade Centre[΄wo:ld΄treid΄sentә] –Всемирный торговый центр
the Lower East Side – Восточная Нижняя Сторона
Jews[dзu:z] -евреи
Little Italy–Маленькая Италия
Chinatown - Китайгород
Greenwich Village[΄grenit∫] –Гринвич Виллидж
Lower West Side– Нижняя Западная Сторона
bohemians[bou΄hi:miәnz] –«богема»
authentic[o:΄θentik] –подлинный, достоверный, настоящий
drug dealers[΄drΛg΄di:ləz] –торговцы наркотиками
skyscrapers[΄skai΄skreipəz] -небоскребы
the Chrysler Building [΄kraislə]-Крайслер Билдинг
the Empire State Building[em΄paiə] –Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг
Rockefeller Centre[΄rokifelə] –Рокфеллеровский центр
The United Nations Secretariat [ðəju΄naitid΄nei∫n΄sekri΄tεəriət] –секритариат Организации Объединенных Наций
Times Square – площадь Таймс
The Theatre District – Театральный район
Broadway[`bro:dwei] -Бродвей
Central Park– Центральный парк
Frederick Law Olmsted[΄fredrik`lo:΄omsted] –Фредерик Ло Олмстед
mansions[΄mæn∫nz] -особняки
Museum Mile– Музейная Миля
the Metropolitan Museum of Art– Столичный Музей Искусств
the Dakotas[də΄koutəz] –«Дакоты»: ссылка на то, что штаты Северная Дакота и Южная Дакота расположены очень далеко от Нью Йорка
Leonard Bernstein [΄lenəd΄bə:nstain] –Леонард Бернстайн
John Lennon– Джон Леннон
Harlem [΄ha:lem] -Гарлем
the Caribbean [kə΄ribiən] –Карибские о-ва
Duke Ellington [΄dju:k΄eliŋtən] –Дюк Элингтон