Рекомендуемая организация занятия по умениям
I Receptive skills Academic reading: Summary with wordlist Classification Productive skills Speaking IELTS task 2 Describing piece of art IELTS task 3 Discussing art and funding | II Receptive skills Academic listening Section 2 Answering a question Selecting items from the list Multiple-choice question Completing sentences Productive skills Academic writing IELTS task 2 Agreeing and disagreeing with a statement |
Тема 10
Psychology and sociology
Вопросы для обсуждения
· What problems can people as a family, community face when raising children?
ú When do you thing friendship is more important than spending time with family?
v What can improve social and psychological well-being?
Языковой репертуар
Topical Vocabulary: The family
nuclear family, large extended family, parents, offspring, siblings, family tree, widow, widower, godmother, godfather, relatives, household, ancestor, orphan, descendant, generation
Грамматика:conditionals 2,suffixes –hood and - ship
Templates:If were (were not), would . Relationship, household, hardship, leadership, friendship, manhood, childhood
Речевой репертуар
Active Vocabulary (for writing/speaking):
Vocabulary for agreeing and disagreeing with a statement (for/ against)
Типы используемых текстов для чтения и аудирования
· публицистический текст об экономических трудностях воспитания детей в африканских деревнях
· личные мнения (согласие и несогласие)