IV. Переведите предложения, применяя прием расширения.

1) He visits me practically every weekend. 2) Two persons were reported shot. 3) The dog sniffed every inch of the ground. 4) A 120-voice choir was performing in the open air. 5) Then this girl gets killed, because she's always speeding. 6) I apologize for stepping on your toe. 7) Somewhere in Keith's mind a door, which had been closed, inched open. 8) You ought to know one or two things about this place. 9) I've had pains here – just below where my heart is. 10) There were still several hours of his shift remaining, and he had made a pact with himself to finish his air traffic control duty for tonight. He was not sure why, except that it seemed the right thing to do. 11) It was a stiff pull, but their weariness fell from them as they struggled upward to the last ounce of effort in their bodies. 12) Little glances were exchanged all over the room. 13) The sun shone for several hours during the early part of the day.


V. Найдите соответствия для выделенных в тексте слов с учетом возможной эмфатизации или нейтрализации значений. В тех случаях, когда возможны оба варианта, дайте обоснование предпочтительного выбора. Переводя текст в целом на русский язык, отметьте в нем единицы, требующие таких переводческих приемов, как транскрипция, сужение или расширение значения.

At one point during my career I held an administrative point in the government, which generally precluded the practice of ongoing therapy. I did from time to time, however, see people for brief consultations. Often they were high-ranking political figures. One such was Mr. R., a wealthy lawyer on leave of absence from his firm while serving as general counsel to a large federal department. It was June. Mr. R. had consulted me about his son, Roger, who had turned fifteen the month before. Although Roger had been a good scholar in one of the suburban public schools, his marks had declined gradually but steadily throughout the ninth grade. In his end-of-the-year evaluation the school guidance counsellor had told Mr. and Mrs. R. that Roger would be promoted to the tenth grade but suggested a psychiatric evaluation to determine the cause of his academic decline.