IX. Выделите в тексте единицы, подлежащие либо транскрипции, либо калькированию, либо смешанному переводу и переведите текст.
The main body of the Salish, from whom the Bella Coola have become separated, occupy a large and continuous area in southern British Columbia and the Western portion of the State of Washington. They also occupy the eastern part of Vancouver Island, south of Cape Mudge, and the southern end of the Island around Victoria. On the mainland of British Columbia and the state of Washington the boundaries are less definite. Salish-speaking peoples live along the Frazer River and occupy its large tributary, the Thompson River. These interiour Salish tribes, the Thompson, Lillooet, and Shuswap, have never been considered as possessing the culture of the coast peoples since their houses, dress, food, religion, and art, are quite different not only from those of the Northwest Coast, but from their other neighbours as well.
X. Переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на перевод названий учреждений и географических точек. Определите, в каких случаях уместно применить переводческую транскрипцию, а в каких следует прибегнуть к другим способам.
Research Triangle Institute is a not-for-profit contract research corporation located on a 180-acre campus in North Carolina's Triangle Park. RTI is a free-standing corporate entity created in 1958 by joint action of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, and North Carolina State University. RTFs organisation facilitates the formation of multidisciplinary teams to address complex research issues in many scientific, technical, and social subjects.
XI. Выделите в тексте имена и названия, которые следует переводить путем транскрипции. Попробуйте определить, какие единицы нуждаются в переводческих комментариях. Переведите текст.
The saga of the Northwest Indians probably began millennia ago when hunting families in search of food set out from Siberia, walked across a land bridge, the Bering Strait, to a new country that became known as Alaska. Later, many Indian tribes lived south of the Arctic Circle and divided into two distinct language groups: the Algonquians extended eastward to below Hudson Bay, and the Athapascans stayed in Northwest Canada. Gradually, some of each group moved southward.
The Lewis and Clark explorers of 1803 to 1806 probably were the first white men to be seen by some descendants of those ancient Athapascan tribes. Mainly they lived on the north side of the Columbia River; on the south side of the river tribes of the Salishan language family located. Salishan Indians derived their name from the Salish, another name for the Flathead tribes of Montana. Among other tribes of this group are Chelan, Okanogan, Wasco, Kwakiutle, Aleut, etc.
§ In an office:
After tea break, staff should empty the teapot and stand upside down on the draining board.
§ Outside a photographer's studio:
Out to lunch: if not back by five, out for dinner also.
§ Sign outside a new town hall to be opened by the Prince of Wales:
The town hall is closed until opening. It will remain closed after being opened. Open tomorrow.
§ Outside a secondhand shop:
We exchange anything – bicycles, washing machines, etc. Why not bring your wife along and get a wonderful bargain.
§ Message on a leaflet:
If you cannot read, this leaflet will tell you how to get lessons.
§ Spotted in a safari park:
Elephants, please stay in your car.
§ Sign on a repair shop door:
We can repair anything (Please knock hard on the door, the bell doesn't work.)
§ At the electric company:
We would be delighted if you send in your payment. However, if you don't, you will be.