II. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимании на интернациональные слова и «ложные друзья» переводчиков.
1)The boy is quick and accurate at figures. 2) His faith in himself and his project was a delicate thing at best. 3) She smiled and Joe was touched suddenly by the very special beauty of the lady – by the still-young blue of eyes that were more deeply sympathetic than truly young eyes could ever be. 4) We met at the academy, roomed together and immediately felt that rare and wonderful rapport that lights up when two people get along beautifully. 5) Efforts have been made to show that Wishart carried his doctrine into practice; that he was an agitator and may well have been an intermediary in the murder plot against Beaton. 6) His father provided him with funds and in the summer of 1829 he came to Vienna. 7) The President's tour of the flood-stricken areas dramatized the fact that the terrible tragedy presented, in the first place, a federal problem. 8) As they participate in the fight for dramatic reforms, large sections of the population come to realize the necessity of unity of action with the working class and become more active politically. 9) The Prime Minister's dramatic European move was timed to divert public attention from the more dismal news of Rhodesia and the freeze. 10) There is a popular tendency, among most newsmen and radio and TV commentators, to portray Congressmen as men who are working themselves to death, sweating and suffering heart attacks to serve the people. 11) He seems to have excluded himself from the vice-presidential candidacy at a time when the public opinion polls report that he is more popular than both the President and the Vice-president. 12) The main item on the agenda, and one over which most differences exist, was the proposed nuclear non-proliferation treaty. 14) The meeting expressed the hope that the remaining points of differences would be settled when the conference on the cessation of nuclear tests is resumed in Geneva. 15) A general strike is one which affects an entire industry, an entire locality or a whole country. Disarmament will release for civilian employment millions of people now serving in the armed forces and war industries 16) Such development would emphasize the region's economic importance and growth potential which would be reflected in its population growth, housing and overspill problems. 17) The Prime Minister said that the Government was prepared to set up publicly owned enterprises in the development areas.18) The undersecretarywas in the evening dress. 19)A physicianworking with X-rays must be something of a physicist. 20) The work of a compositoris rather difficult. 21) The speakerof the House of Commons stops a speakerif he puts things too bluntly. 22)The tramptook up some kind of shipment at every port. 23) The book was edited by a famous scholar. 24) Mendeleyev was a great studentof chemistry. 25) A librarian must know both Sciencesand Arts. 26) The faculty of the New Orleans University consists of the best scholars,especially in Arts. 27) I asked the chemist whether they had these preparationsat the dispensary, I also asked him for dressing material. 28) The officersof that company consist of the president, the treasurer, the counsel, the auditor, etc. 30) “Look here, officer,” said the old woman - “stop the traffic for a moment, so that I might walk over the square to the pavement on the other side.” 31) Little Oliver Twist was very much afraid of the masterin the working house. 32) “It is so hot in the stokehold” – said Jackson – “we ought to have better fans.” 33) Michael Jackson has lost many of his fansafter the scandal. 34) Five papersby excellent scholars were read at the Fuel Conference. 35) The film has been editedby A.Peterson. He is a very good specialist. 36) There are many creepers in the conservatory.
Translation problems
§ Notorious murderer – нотариус-убийца;
§ Premium subscriber– премиальный подписчик;
§ City mayor – городской майор;
§ Whiskey “Wild Turkey” – Виски «Дикий турок»;
§ Fatal Error (сообщение на экране компьютера) – Роковая ошибка;
§ Агитпоезд – agitation train;
§ Oven – Овен;
§ General Electrics – генералы-электрики;
§ He loves commercials – Он любит коммерсантов;
§ Fiscal policy – фискальная полиция;
§ If I saw a burglar, I'd call the police – Если увидишь болгара, вызови полицию;
§ Окружающая среда – surrounding Wednesday, surrounding medium;
§ Летучие мыши – flying mouses;
§ Говяжий язык – beef language;
§ Мальчик с ямочками на щечках – a boy with holes in his chins;
§ Международная обстановка – international furniture.