Газетные заголовки
Part I. Dead serious:
1. Whither Modern Medicine?
2. Why Polar Expedition?
3. Steam Versus Electric Locomotives.
4. Anglo-French Drive in Egypt Halted.
5. Stay-in-Strikers at Chicago to Crush Bosses.
6. 1000 British Aircraft Stop Work.
7. Manchester Ship Canal Reconstruction.
8. Portrait Exhibition Opening in New Orleans.
9. Ford Automobile Repair Shop Organization.
10. More Arms in Italy's Budget.
11. Metal Works Reorganization Conference at Montreal.
12. Physical Conference to Open Tomorrow in Chicago.
13. Lorry Crushes into Shop-Window.
14. Australia Adds to Fleet.
15. Terrible Plight of Unemployed Miner. Family Living in Tent.
16. Homes Smashed from Bombing Plane.
17. Rise of Electric Traction. Electric Locomotives Cheaper and More Effective.
18. Industrial Power Plant Modernization.
19. Coal Handling Problems at Electric Stations.
20. Electrical Features of Kansas City Water Works.
21. Soil Water Supply Important for Subtropical Plants.
22. Norwegian Tug-Boat on Fire. Crew Saved by Soviet Sporting Yacht.
23. Maiden Speech of New M.P.Criticizes Premier.
Part II. Have a smile:
Юмористический эффект помимо воли авторов данных газетных заголовков вызывается многозначностью слов (полисемией) и усиливается из-за особенностей газетного стиля подачи информации в заголовках.
1. Farmer Bill Dies in House.
2. Lawyers Give Poor Free Legal Advice.
3. Lawmen From Mexico Barbecue Guests.
4. Juvenile Court to Try Shooters.
5. Defendant, Speech Ends in Long Sentence.
6. Stolen Painting Found by Tree.
7. Hitler, Nazi Papers Found in Attic.
8. Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim.
9. Asbestos Suit Pressed.
10. Deaf Mute Gets New Hearing in Killing.
11. Men Recommend More Clubs for Wives.
12. Milk Drinkers Are Turning to Powder.
Задание:Что означают эти хрестоматийные заголовки?
13. Big Apple Goes Bananas. (Нью-Йорк сходит с ума)
14. Dick Digs Pig Pix.
(Ричард Никсон обожает полицейские фильмы)