Ex. 21. Translate the title and the subtitle of the text, paying special attention to the words "trash", "tripe", "trivia", "mass media".
Ex. 22. Translate into English:
Многочисленные подвиги Геракла уже в древности стали сюжетами в скульптуре, росписи, мозаике. Особенно много было монет с изображением Геракла и тех, кто с ним боролся и соперничал. Огромное количество монет посвятили Гераклу города, объединенные в морскую лигу во время войн с Персией. Александр Македонский, разгромив Персидскую империю Дария II и считая себя божественным потомком Геракла, чеканил в более чем 20 крупнейших монетных дворах Греции, Малой Азии и завоеванной Персии серебряные монеты с изображением Геракла вместе с богом богов Зевсом, чтобы подчеркнуть важность героя и свое собственное значение.
Ex. 23. Translate into Russian:
The Seven Wonders of the World
The Seven Wonders of the ancient world are preeminent architectural and sculptural achievements of antiquity, as listed by various Greco-Roman observers.
Included on the best known list were the Pyramids of Giza (the oldest of the wonders and the only one substantially in existence today), the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (a series of landscaped rooftop terraces on a ziggurat, ascribed to either Nebuchadnezzar II or the semi-legendary Queen Sammu-ramat), the Statue of Zeus at Olympia (a large gold-and-ivory figure of the god on his throne by Phidias), the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (a temple, built in 356 ВС, famous for its imposing size and the works of art that adorned it), the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Pharos of Alexandria (a lighthouse built с 280 ВС on the island of Pharos off Alexandria, said to have been more than 350 ft, or 110 m, high). These wonders inspired the compilation of many other lists of seven attractions, or "wonders," by later generations.
The modern wonders include Channel Tunnel and Concord Airliner (UK/France); Sydney Opera House in Australia; Empire State building and Golden Gate Bridge in the USA; Aswan Dam in Egypt; US Space Programme (Apollo, Cape Canaveral, Space Shuttle).