Ex. 5. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations and reproduce the sentences in which they are used in the text:
to see the birth of a distinctive culture the focus shifted to to be evident in the architectural splendor a related civilization to survive into another century to be disseminated | linear script the art of human representation the exploration of the human form citizenry kingship of tyrants semi-independent rule to gain control of a region to dissolve the empire |
Ex. 6. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations and reproduce the sentences in which they are used in the text:
геометрический рисунок алфавитное письмо эпические поэмы роспись на вазах краснофигурная ваза чернофигурная ваза связаны исторически и политически | люди знатного происхождения обеспечить политическое могущество типично для эпохи политические системы сосуществовали быть вне конкуренции оспаривать первенство |
Ex. 7. Paraphrase the italicized parts:
1. In Asia Minor a variety of political systems ranged from local autocracy to priests' power.
2. Archaic Greece was a world of city-states linked politically and historically.
3. Alexandria, the new Egyptian capital, dominated as thecapital of Hellenistic culture.
4. The people of the Mycenaean culture spoke the language of the group to which Greek belonged too.
5. The literary works of Homer were written down long after reliable memories of it had faded.
6. Phoenician traders had already introduced writing to Greece.
7. Typical Greek vases were black and red.
8. The type of writing in which the Mycenaean recorded their documents has been interpreted as an early form of Greek.
9. A related civilization at Mycenae and other sites of the Peloponnese could still be seen in the late twelfth century ВС.
Ex. 8. Complete the sentences:
1. In the fourth millennium ВС the Cycladic islands ...
2. Phoenician traders had already ...
3. The epics of Homer ...
4. The people of the Mycenaean culture were ...
5. Archaic Greece was a world of ...
6. Democratic Athens is often regarded as ...
7. Fifth-century Athens was a haven ...
8. In Asia Minor a variety of political systems ranged ...
9. This diverse world was briefly unified by ...
10. The coincidence of imperial wealth and artistic splendor …
11. Greek thought, literature and art continued to be ...
12. As the Macedonian empire dissolved ...