Ex. 5. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations and reproduce the sentences in which they are used in the text:
the first native empire to be planted with every kind of tree and shrub to trust smb more than to keep a check on smb to enter upon conquests homeless refugees to experience enlightenment | to assemble an army of 700,000 soldiers with little difficulty fear of assassination the royal treasury the slaughter of animals in sufficient amounts to share in the general decline |
Ex.6 Give English equivalents of the following word combinations and reproduce the sentences in which they are used in the text:
прийти к власти дворцовая стража женщины воины доверять кому-л. больше, чем… забота о безопасности | без сомнения надпись гласила следовать по пути распадаться (об империи) |
Ex. 7. Paraphrase the italicized parts:
1. Chandragupta Maurya undoubtedly believed that war, not peace would give him fame.
2. According to chroniclers, he recruited the army of 700,000 soldiers, a cavalry of 30,000, and an elephant corps of 9,000.
3. Chandragupta's armies easily rolled over neighboring states.
4. Care for his security caused the emperor to build a great wall to surround his capital.
5. He paid spies to control possible rebels in Magadha.
6. Chandra Maurya became an emperor in 322 ВС.
7. In time Ashoka became convinced that he should be Buddha's convict.
8. Ashoka announced his sorrow for his many wars.
9. Ashoka now financed building programs and hospitals for the sick from state funds.
10.He forbade killing animals by brahmans in their sacrifices.
11.He was eager tospread Buddhism into all the neighboring countries.
12.Taxes were not enough for Pataliputra.
13.In 180 ВС the last emperor was ousted.
14.He was afraid of being killed.
15.Ashoka was not like his grandfather.
Ex. 8. Complete the sentences:
1. The architect of the first native Indian Empire ...
2. Chandragupta's armies rolled over ...
3. There is no doubt that ...
4. Concern for his security …
5. He lived in constant fear of ...
6. In the early years of his rule ...
7. Ashoka was so enthusiastic over …
8. Chandragupta trusted women ...
9. At this point he was ...
10.Taxes no longer ...
11.Ashoka now financed ...
12.Buddhism shared in ...
13.Ashoka announced his regret for ...
14.He paid spies to ...
15.Soon after his death ...