Перечень вопросов к экзамену по теоретической грамматике
1. Accidence and morphology – where do the terms come from?
2. Morphology as one of the two main branches of language study. The morpheme as the smallest meaningful unit of the morphological level.
3. The notion of opposition in morphology. Kinds of oppositions.
4. Synthetic and analytical means in the grammatical system of English.
5. The idea of alternation in morphology: morphs and allomorphs.
6. The grammatical meaning and its cognitive nature.
7. The grammatical categorization as dynamic process in grammar. Kinds of grammatical categories.
8. The grammatical classes of words and the criteria of their linguistic identification.
9. The Noun as a grammatical class of words and its distribution. The noun categories: the Number, the Case.
10. The Adjective as secondary property in modern grammatical theory.
11. The Adverb.
12. The Article determination.
13. The Verb as a grammatical class of words: its semantics, forms and functions. The auxiliary and notional verbs.
14. Modality and negation.
15. Syntax as one of the two basic branches of language study. Basic syntactic units.
16. ‘Minor’ syntax. Words and Word-combinations as building blocks for syntax.
17. Major and minor syntax. The sentence and the utterance.
18. The simple sentence: the constituent structure. The simple sentence: the paradigmatic structure.
19. The parts of the sentence and parts of speech.
20. Four types of syntactic bonds:
a) attributive
b) completive
c) copulative
d) predicative
21. The functional approach to language study.
22. The pragmatics of the sentence.
23. Reference and Inference.
24. Text and Discourse.
25. Cognitive approach to language study.