What is the meaning of practical aims?
A. develop mental abilities
B. makes possible some purposeful activity
C. extend the knowledge of the world
D. acquire habits and skills in using a foreign language
E. teach pupils to speak and writе
83. Language is used in two ways:
A. speaking and hearing
B. orally and written forms
C practical and theoretical
D. writing and reading
E. different forms
84. Learning a foreign language pupils acquaint with:
A. new grammar material
B. vocabulary
C. life, customes and traditions
D. many phonemes
E. life of all countries of the people whose language they study
85. Find the theme of the lesson: Organization moment: T-D, T-P1, T-P2
The objectives of the lesson: to present new words: Meal, to eat, roast beef, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding,a lot
of meat, toasts with marmalade
Presentation of the new lesson: Talking about eating in Britain
Consolidation: Exexcises, teaching games, completing a map
Conclusion: Essay: Eating in Kazakhstan
Homework: 1. to learn new words
2. Exercise 16 page 69
3. Culture note in Britain
A. Eating in Britain
B. Eating in Kazakhstan
C. Eating in Japan
D. Eating in France
E. Eating in Korea
86. The basis of all languages is:
A. word
B. sound
C. letter
D sentence
E. word-combinations
Exercises used for developing pronunciation skills may be of
A. 2
B. 3
C. many
D. 5
E. a lot of groups
88. Pupils should study:
A. English literary pronunciation
B. American English pronunciation
C. English speaking language
D. English of other countries
E. language of English speaking countries
The teacher faces the following problems in teaching English pronunciation
A. problem of hearing and speaking
B. problems of learning foreign languages
C. problems of discrimination, articulation, intonation, intergration
D. problems of correct intonation in reading sentences
E. problems of reading and writing
In teaching pronunciation there are
A. 3
B. 5
C. 4
D. many
E. 2 methodological problems the teacher faces.
Pupils must become conscious of the differences between
A. English and the native language sounds
B. English and other languages sounds
C. American and Britain English sounds
D. all sounds
E. English and Russian language sounds
The experience of the sound contrast in reinforced
A. visually
B. audio-visually
C. by sounds
D. by hands
E. by objects
Intonation should be taught mainly through
A. intonation
B. integretion
C. imitation
D. visual aids
E. association