1. Насколько оправдана политика MONY по подбору и сохранению рабочей силы?
2. Хотелось бы вам работать в операционном подразделении MONY?
3. Какие дополнительные меры могла бы предпринять компания МОЛТдля привлече
ния и удержания работников?
Jenny С. McCune, «On the Train Gang», Management Review, October 1994, 57-60. Cynthia D. Fisher, «Current and Recurrent Challenges in HRM», Journal of Management 15,1989,157-180.
Часть 4. Организация
3 Steven H. Appelbaun, Roger Simpson, Barbara Т. Shapiro, «The Tough Test of Downsizing»,
Organizational Dynamics, Autumn 1987, 68-79.
4 Ross L. Fink, Robert K. Robinson, Ann Canty, «DuPont vs. Chemical Workers Association:
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5 James G. March and Herbert A. Simon, Organizations, New York; Wiley, 1958.
6 DennisJ. Kravetz, The Human Resources Revolution, San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass
7 David E. Ripley, «How to Determine Future Workforce Needs», Personnel Journal,
January 1995, 83-89.
8 D. Quinn Mills, «Planning with People in Mind», Harvard Business Review 63, July-
August 1985, 97-105.
9 J. W. Boudreau and S. I. Rynes. «Role of Recruitment in Staffing Utility Analysis», Journal
of Applied Psychology 70,1985,354-366.
10 James M.Jenks and Brian I. P. Zevnik, «ABCs of Job Interviewing», Harvard Business
Review, July-August 1989,38-42.
11 Bruce McDougall, «The Thinking Man's Assembly Line», Canadian Business, November
1991,40-44; Louis Kraar, «Japan's Gun-Ho U.S. Car Plants», Fortune, January 30,1989,
98-108; Richard Koenig, «Toyota Takes Pains, and Time, Pilling Jobs at Its Kentucky
Plant», The Wall Street Journal, December 1,1987,129.
12 Bernard Keys and Joseph Wolfe, «Management: Education and Development: Current
Issues and Emerging Trends», Journal of Management 14, 1988, 205-229.
13 Francine Alexander, «Performance Appraisals», Small Business Reports, March 1989, 20-
29; V. R. Buzzotta, «Improve Your Performance Appraisals», Management Review,
August 1988, 40-43.
14 Richard I. Henderson, Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance, 4th ed., Res-
ton. Va.; Reston, 1985.
15 B. M. Bass and G. V. Barrett, People, Work, and Organizations: An Introduction to
Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2d ed., Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1981; D.
Doverspike, A. M. Carlisi, G. V. Barrett, R. A. Alexander, «Generalizability Analysis of a
Point-Method Evaluation Instrument», Journal of Applied Psychology 68,1983,476-483.
16 U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Employee Benefits 1983, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Chamber
of Commerce, 1984.
17 Christopher Farrell, Paul Magnusson, Wendy Zellner, «The Scary Math of New Hires»,
BusinessWeek, February 22,1993, 70-71.
18 «Exit Interviews: An Overlooked Information Source», Small Business Report, July 1986,