Exercise 14. Дайте предложения в прямой речи.
1. John asks me where I was going.
2. Leo asked her Granny what she was looking for.
3. He said that his name was Pete.
4. Henry asked Joe if his team had won or lost the game.
5. Jonny asks me to give him a spoon.
6. Simon says that hе has lost his umbrella.
7. Father asked Bob not to ореn the window.
8. She asked me whether I spoke French.
9. John asked Mary if she was afraid of thunderstorm.
10. Не asked me if I had taken part in the football match.
Список литературы
1. Ионина А.А., Саакян А.С. Английская грамматика: Теория и практика. – 3-е изд. испр. – М.: Рольф, 2002. – 448с.
2. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. – Издание второе, перераб. и доп. – С.-Пб. «КАРО», 2000.
3. Беляева М.А. Грамматика английского языка: учебное пособие. - Изд. 6-е. – М.: Высш. школа, 1977.