Personal data

Ildarova Elena

Date of birth: June 27, 1981

Residence: Tver, Uchitelskaya strt.

Permanent registration: Tver, Uchitelskaya strt.

Marital status (family structure, age of children): married, 2 children


Education institution: Tver State University

Period of education: 1998-2003

Faculty: Management and Social Science

Qualification: Specialist in Scientific Discipline of Documentation

Major: documentation supply of management

Work Experience

1. Period of work: December 2007 – p.t.

Company name: Х5 Retail Group (Shopping Center «KARUSEL»)(the shopping center was opened in July 2008, total area 10 000 square meters, total number of the staff 300 persons)

Area of business: retail trading

January 2009 – p.t.

Position: Deputy Director

Job description:

Effecting of office work.

Business correspondence.

Preparation of meetings and conferences for Director (collecting of necessary issues).

Work with controlling bodies (Administration of the city and the region, Russian Consumer Control, sanitary-hygienic station, ecological control).

Issuing and providing of primary accounting.

Making an inventory.

Providing of consumables, stock and equipment.

Control over payment of invoices.

Control over effecting by the employees of the enterprise of issued orders and directions as well as over the period of effecting of instructions and directives of the manager.

Selection and employment of the staff.

Control over Staff Department.

Forming of staff reserve.

December 2007 – January 2009

Job description: Head of Staff Department

Search, selection, training and employment of the staff before and after opening of Shopping Center «KARUSEL»).

Creation of staff department from the very beginning.

Planning of employment of the staff.

Assessment of the staff.

Motivation of the staff.

Staff development, planning of business career, training and professional development of the personnel.

Adaptation of the staff.

Recording of the main indexes of the department.

Control over recording of personnel, over personnel office work, recording and keeping of work-books.

Control over organization of time-keeping.

Salary accounting.

Issuing documents for retirement and medical insurance.

Control over the passing by the staff of semi-annual medical commission.

Effecting monitoring of the labour-market.

Forming of staff reserve.

2. Period of work: January 2006 – September 2007

Company name: JSC «Tandem-Volga» (official distributor of Procter & Gamble), total number of staff 250 persons.

Area of business: wholesale and retail trading

Position: Head of Staff Department +acting regional staff manager

Job description:

Search, selection and employment of the staff.

Planning of employment of the staff.

Assessment of the staff.

Motivation of the staff.

Participation in preparation of proposals for staff development, planning of business career, training and professional development of the personnel as well as for estimation of effectiveness of training.

Adaptation of the staff.

Participation in development of methods for reduction of turnover of staff.

Recording of the main indicators of HR department.

Control over recording of personnel, over personnel office work, recording and keeping of work-books.

Organization of time-keeping of the staff.

Control over issuing documents for retirement and medical insurance.

Support of corporate culture.

Effecting monitoring of the labour-market.

Forming of staff reserve.

3. Period of work: May 2001- January 2006

Company name: Real Estate Agency “SANDA”

Area of business: providing of service, consulting

Position: Head of Staff Service

Job description:

Creation of staff service from the very beginning.

Search, selection and employment of the staff.

Planning of employment of the staff.

Motivation of the staff.

Participation in preparation of proposals for staff development, planning of business career, training and professional development of the personnel as well as for estimation of effectiveness of training.

Participation in development of methods for reduction of turnover of staff.

Record of personnel.

Personnel office work.

Recording and keeping of work-books.

Organization of time-keeping of the staff.

Issuing documents for retirement and medical insurance.

Effecting monitoring of the labour-market.

Forming of staff reserve.


Additional information

Computer skills (level, programs): Confident user (Word, Excel, Point), legal system “Garant”, “Consultant”, “1С”, Internet.

Foreign language: English (reading, translation with a dictionary)

Willingness to travel: Possible

Availability of foreign passport: Yes

Driving license: No

Own vehicle: No

Expected wage (income) level: 60000 rubles


Выравнивание по абзацу:

Выравнивание по ширине.

Отступ: слева «0», справа «0», первая строка «нет»

Интервал: перед «0», после «0», междустрочный «одинарный»


Особенности: выравнивание название вакансии по левому краю.

Особенности: выравнивание имени, фамилии по центру.



название вакансии: «Times New Roman», «13», курсив

имя и фамилия: «Times New Roman», «13», полужирный

заголовки (например, Personal data, Education): «Times New Roman», «13», полужирный, курсив, подчеркнутый.

общие сведения (например, Period of work, Company name): «Times New Roman», «12», курсив

сведения по кандидату (например, December 2007 – p.t., Deputy Director): «Times New Roman», «12»


Единый стиль дат по всему резюме: либо 01/02/1984, либо January 01, 1984 (и в датах рождения и в периодах работы).

От подписи 3 отступа (1 отступ одно нажатие Enter), на четвертой строке название вакансии, на шестой имя и фамилия, на седьмой личные данные.


Подпись в шапке: шрифт «Times New Roman», «10», по абзацу тоже самое, что ранее.


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