Варіант 4

І. Вставте артиклі , де це необхідно

1. Barack Hussein Obama[1] is ... 44th President of ... United States.

2. He is ... first African American to hold ... office.

3. With ... father from ... Kenya and ... mother from ... Kansas, ... President Obama was born in ... Hawaii on August 4, 1961.


II. Вставте модальні дієслова may, must або need замість крапок.

You ... have cancelled your trip to Canada. But you have always wanted to visit the largest French city Montreal and see your friend Nina. 2. We ... pay the monthly water bill. 3. They ... come any time they like between ten and twelve in the morning, but they ... not come if they don’t want to.

III. Перепишіть наступні речення в минулому часі – Past Simple Tense.

1. On Tuesday I get up at half past six.

2. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth.

3. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family.

IV. Перекладіть текст.

As more and more of these Germanic people settled in Britain, Celtic was no longer the native language of the population, but was replaced by 5 Anglo-Saxon. The new invaders divided the land into different kingdoms. Together these kingdoms became known as England and the people who lived there the English. The name "English" comes from the Angles, and there is still a part of England that is called East Anglia. There are other names in England that remind us of its Saxon past. For example, Sussex and Essex. Sussex was once the South Saxon Kingdom - and Essex ..., well, what do you think that once was? Town names that end in "-ton", "-ham" or "-bury" also tell us that these were once Saxon villages or settlements. Anglo-Saxon was a Germanic language and that is why many English words are similar to words in German: for example man, wife, house, father, mother, sister, brother, see, eat, sleep, speak...

V. Складіть 3 запитання до тексту (загальне, спеціальне та альтернативне).