Association “Business Council of the EAEC”.
Economy Forum of the EAEC. I Forum was held in Moscow in 2003. Using of Russian for mutual accounts, introduction of unique currency of the EAEC by 2011, about customs, foundation of free trade zone, problems of interstate transport corridors and mutual energetic projects were discussed.
Rapprochement | сближение | Жақындасу |
Accounts | расчеты | Есеп,есептеу |
Agenda | повестка дня | Күн тәртібі |
fulfill | выполнение | Орындау,орындалу |
Tasks for IWS:Prepare information “Structure of the GUUAM”.
Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Structure of the EAEC”.
Home tasks:Explain, what is the main objective of the GUUAM and EAEC?
List of the reference on the theme
1. Договоры, учреждающие Европейские Сообщества-М., 1994, с.276-278
2. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.200-206
Lecture 23
Theme of the lecture: International Organizations on the Post Soviet area
The objective of the lecture.Students should know main aims, activity, structure, and perspectives of the Post Soviet Area Organizations.
Outline of the lecture
1. Collective Security Treaty Organization.
2. Central Asian Cooperation.
3. Shanghai Cooperation Organization.