Ex.1. Прочитайте, переведите и запомните следующие выражения:


A: I’ve failed my exams.

B: 1. I’m so sorry.

2. I’m sorry to hear that.

3. What a shame.

4. What bad luck!

5. Never mind!

6. Cheer up!

7. You mustn’t worry (about it …)

8. It could be worse.


Ex. 2.Отреагируйте на эти утверждения:

1) your car was stolen;

2) when you got to the airport you flight had been cancelled;

3) your boy / girl friend has left you.



Ex.3. Прочитайте диалог по ролям. Составьте свой диалог.


John: I dare say you’re heard about my break-down on the motorway.

Tom: Yes. What bad luck! But cheer up! It could have been worse.

John: Could it! They tell me it needs a new engine.

Tom: Oh, no! I am sorry. It’ll cost you a fortune.

John: Yes, over $500 I believe.

Tom: 500! Oh, that is bad luck. You are poor chap.

John: Still, as you say, it could have been a lot worse. I might have been killed.

Tom: Quite. It’s not the end of the world. But I know how you feel. 500 is a lot of money.





an island swift to assist

a coast busy to miss

to separate to be worth the Trinity

to surround a cross

to influence a patron saint

thistle upright

daffodil a background

leek a habit

shamrock to succeed

to describe to depend (on)

to mention to manufacture

a peninsula changeable

to flow humid

a tributary to melt

Ex.1. a)Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выберите подходящие заголовки для каждого абзаца.


1) Four Parts of the UK 2) The Territory of the British Isles 3) The Flag of the UK 4) Economics of the UK 5) The Population of the UK 6) The Surface of Great Britain 7) The Head of the State


b) Перескажите текст, используя следующие фразы:


1.The title of the text is… 2. The text is about… 3. The text covers such points as… 4. It should be underlined that… 5. In conclusion, I may say that… 6. To my mind… In my opinion…




The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies a territory of the British Isles (5,500 islands) with the total area of 244,100 sq. km. The UK is situated off the north-western coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. The UK is also washed by the Irish Sea, the St George’s Channel and the North Channel. Surrounding the British Isles by the water has been an important protection against the invaders throughout the English history. And certainly, it influences the climate of the country.

The UK consists of four parts and every part has its national emblem: England – the red rose, Scotland – the thistle, Wales – the daffodil and the leek, Northern Ireland – the shamrock. The capitals of the four parts are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Belfast respectively.

One can’t describe the country without mentioning its surface. The island of Great Britain can be divided into two main regions: Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. Lowlands comprise southern and eastern England. Highlands include Scotland, Wales, the Pennies, the Lake District, and the southern peninsula of Britain. Many rivers are flowing through Great Britain, such as the longest Severn with its tributaries, the swiftest Spey, the busiest Thames, etc. All parts of Great Britain are worth seeing.

The population of the UK is over 57 million people. The official language is English, but some people continue speaking their mother tongue: Scottish in Western Scotland, Welsh in northern and central Wales, and Irish in Northern Ireland.

The flag of the UK is made up of three crosses of the patron saints: the upright red against a white background – St George of England, the white diagonal against a blue background – St Andrew of Scotland, the red diagonal against a white background – St Patrick of Northern Ireland. The English people have the habit of naming their national flag “the Union Jack”.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The head of the state is the Queen who reigns with the support of Parliament.

For a long time the UK has succeeded in remaining one of the important commercial centres of the world. Nowadays the UK doesn’t depend upon economics and industrial manufacturing of other countries.


Ex.2. Составьте «паспорт» страны, заполнив следующие пункты:

· name

· situation (+oceans)

· the main geographical parts

· capital

· national emblems

· rivers

· language

· the main cities

· government

· head of state


Ex.3. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения. Аргументируйте свой ответ.

1. The UK occupies the territory of the British Isles.

2. The UK is washed by many seas and two oceans.

3. The UK consists of three parts.

4. English is the official language in Great Britain.

5. St Andrew is a patron saint of Northern Ireland.

6. London is the capital of Wales.

7. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy.

8. The UK lies on the British Isles.



Ex.4.Прочитайте и переведите текст.




One can’t describe the country without mentioning its capital. London, the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, occupies a great area with the population over seven million people. It is situated upon both banks of the Thames. It is the main port and the most important city. London can be divided into three parts: the City of London, the West End, and the East End.

The City, the heart of London, comprises the area of 2.6 sq. km. Less than 6,000 people live there. After finishing their working day more than 500,000 people leave the City. This part of London with numerous banks and offices has succeeded in remaining the financial centre of the UK for a long time.

The West End, the centre of London, is worth seeing. It includes historical palaces, famous parks, large hotels and shops. Rich people enjoy spending their free time and money there.

The East End, the workers’ region, is made up of great industrial areas that depend on shipping.

So, the English people have a habit of naming the City – the money of London, the West End – the goods of London, and the East End – the hands of London.

Ex.5.Найдите в текстах английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и выражений.


общая площадь, расположено в стороне от, отделяется от континента, важная защита против, на протяжении всей истории, соответственно, нельзя описать, южный полуостров, протекают через, самая оживленная, родной язык, белый фон, на обоих берегах, исторические дворцы, проводить время, тратить деньги.


Ex.6. a) Найдите в текстах синонимы для следующих слов:


whole, defence, of course, unit, narcissus, chief, quick, lively, several, to go on, vertical, to call, during, a lot of, large, wealthy;


b) Найдите в текстах антонимы для следующих слов:


north, southern, east, western, international, with, to unite, short, slow, to stop, to fail, small, poor, here, agricultural.


Ex.7.Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Первая буква слова дана вам в помощь.


1. One can’t describe the country without m… its surface. 2. All parts of Great Britain are w… seeing. 3. The island can be d… into two main regions. 4. Surrounding the British Isles by the water i… the climate of the country. 5. The Severn with its t… is the longest river in Great Britain. 6. Highlands include Scotland, Wales, the Pennies, the Lake D…, and the southern p… of Britain. 7. Warm south-western w… influence the climate of Great Britain greatly. 8. Less than 6,000 people l… in the City. 9. The City of London has succeeded in remaining the f… centre of the UK for a long time. 10. The English people have a habit of naming the City – the m… of London.


Ex.8.Работая в парах, сделайте краткий доклад о любой достопримечательности Лондона. Используйте дополнительный материал, наглядность.


Ex.9. a)Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

b) Составьте аналогичный диалог. Обсудите климат Великобритании и России.