General education aims at producing intelligent, responsible, well-informed citizens. It is designed to transmit a common cultural heritage rather than to develop trained specialists.
Almost all elementary education is general education. In every country, primary school pupils are taught skills they will use throughout their life, such as reading, writing and arithmetic. They also receive instruction in different subjects, including geography, history, etc. In most countries almost all young people continue their general education in secondary schools.
The aim of vocational education is primarily to prepare the students for a job. Some secondary schools specialize in vocational programmes. Technical schools are vocational secondary schools, where students are taught more technical subjects, such as carpentry, metalwork, and electronics. Technical school students are required to take some general education courses and vocational training. Universities and separate professional schools prepare students for careers in such fields as agriculture, architecture, business, engineering, law, medicine, music, teaching, etc.
Ex.1.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты.
общее образование, профессиональное образование, ставит целью, умный, ответственный, хорошо информированный, передавать общее культурное наследство, больше чем, подготовленные специалисты, начальное образование, на протяжении всей жизни, средние школы, профессиональные программы, плотничное дело, слесарное дело, профессиональная подготовка, отдельный, техника, юриспруденция.
Ex. 2.Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is the aim of general education?
2. What skills does general education give?
3. What is the aim of vocational education?
4. Why do most people continue their education after finishing schools?
Ex.3.Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом в нужной форме.
1. I … how to ride a bicycle when I was 5 years old. 2. Live and … . 3. My brother Seth has entered the University of Salem. He is … to be an accountant. 4. My home assignment is to … this poem by heart. 5. I am planning to … French next year. 6. My father has always told me: “You have to … from my mistakes. This way you will be more successful in business”. 7. Mongolian is a rare language but still it is … at our university. 8. Last weekend I was busy … irregular words, but I haven’t … them yet. 9. My teachers have always told my parents that I am a gifted child and I … quickly. 10. I would like to … accounting someday and open my own business.
Ex.4.Прочитайте и переведите диалог. Составьте аналогичный диалог об образовании в России.