Absolute Participial Construction


Ex.12.Переведите предложения на русский язык, назовите абсолютную причастную конструкцию:

1. Weather permitting, the airplane starts. 2. The cars at that time were very small, the engine being placed under the seat. 3. The article deals with microwaves, with particular attention being paid to radio location. 4. It being very late, they stayed at home. 5. There being very little time left, they had to hurry. 6. The weather being fine, we went for a walk. 7. We sat silent, his eyes fixed on me. 8.The rain having stopped we went to the cinema. 9. She told this story to them with her eyes blazing. 10. The journey ended we came back home. 11. His heart being weak, the operation was put off. 12. The ticket having been lost, she phoned her husband to let him know it.


Ex.13. Измените предложения, используя абсолютную причастную конструкцию.

1. As the wind was very strong, it was impossible to go boating.2. Since it was very late, the sides agreed to postpone the meeting. 3. As it was difficult to settle the matter, the sides decided to meet again. 4. If time permits, they will discuss the issue again tomorrow. 5. When the conference was over, Dr. Thorton returned to his laboratory. 6. As it was Sunday, all the shops were closed. 7. As the case was difficult to diagnose, we gave it to the specialist. 8. If weather is lovely, we will bathe and lie in the sun. 9. When the choice was made, he went home quite satisfied.


Ex.14. Переведите на английский язык:

1.Путешествуя по Европе, они посетили Рим. 2. Заказав (to book) билеты в театр, друзья отправились в кафе. 3. Молодой человек просматривал журнал, ожидая (to expect) ответа. 4. Поскольку было сложно решить (to solve) эту проблему, мы решили к ней вернуться на следующий день. 5. Не зная телефон руководителя фирмы, мы не могли договориться о встрече. 6. После того как дом вычистили и вымыли, он стал похож (to look like) на дворец. 7. Он смотрел на подарок, не веря своим глазам. 8. Джек покачал головой, выражая (to express) свое несогласие. 9. Я потерял (to waste) два часа, ожидая (to wait for) тебя на станции.