XIII. Подготовьте пересказ текста “B” на английском языке.


XIV. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям следующие истории:

It is 4 o’clock in the morning. Two men are standing in the street near a casino. One of them is naked and the other one is wearing drawers. The naked one says, “You are a wise person. You always know when to stop gambling.”


naked - голый, обнаженный

drawers – кальсоны, подштанники, трусы

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Thomas Gainsborough who is one of the British most famous portrait painters of the 18th century discovered his talent in an interesting and unusual way. As a boy he lived in the country. Once, while walking near his father’s house, he saw a thief climbing over the wall of their neighbour’s garden. He had a look at the man, went back home and managed to draw a good likeness of the thief. When Tom’s father heard the story and saw the picture, he took it to the police at once. It was such a good likeness that very soon the police arrested the thief.


a neighbour – сосед

He managed to draw a good likeness of the thief – зд. Ему удалось нарисовать вора очень похоже / очень близко к оригиналу.

* * *

It is interesting to know that…

… Eskimos don’t gamble.

… the opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven.

…horse-racing regulations state that no race horse’s name may contain more than eighteen letters. Apostrophes, hyphens, and spaces between words count as letters.

… on a bingo card of ninety numbers there are approximately 44 million possible ways to make bingo.

… At Brook’s, an eighteenth-century English gambling club, the faro table had a large semicircular section cut out of the one of its sides in order to accommodate the enormous stomach of the famous statesman Charles James Fox.


the opposite sides - противоположные стороны

to add up to – (зд.) иметь в сумме

horse-racing regulations – правила на скачках

to state – утверждать

to contain – содержать

a letter - письмо, (зд.) буква

hyphen – дефис

spaces – пробелы

semicircular - полукруглый

in order to accommodate the enormous stomach - чтобы разместить огромное брюхо

а statesman – государственный деятель

famous – известный, знаменитый