Violence is a serious problem that faces our society. Violence is an accepted way of life in America and in many other places all over the world. According to statistics violent crime is rising constantly in Russia. Many people are afraid to go out when it gets dark. But staying at home is not a guarantee for safety either.
There are different explanations for this phenomenon. In the USA you can buy all kinds of weapons at gun shops everywhere. So criminals can easily buy weapons. Law-abiding citizens have to buy guns to protect themselves, too.
The growth of using drugs is another reason. Teenagers need money to buy drugs so they are ready for robbery, burglary and even murder to get it.
The propaganda of violence by mass media makes the situation worse. Television feeds us with gunfights, murders and all kinds of beatings. Even special programs for children are full of scenes of violence. So it is not surprising that juvenile crime record is constantly growing.
XI. Найдите в тексте “В” предложения, отвечающие на следующие вопросы:
1. Является ли насилие серьезной проблемой, которая стоит перед нашим обществом?
2. Является ли насилие общепринятым образом жизни в Америке?
3. Наблюдается ли рост преступности в России в настоящее время?
4. Каковы причины распространения насилия в Америке?
5. Можно ли купить различные виды оружия в оружейных магазинах в Америке?
6. Является ли рост потребления наркотиков одной из причин рост преступности? Какова взаимосвязь этих двух факторов?
7. Влияет ли пропаганда насилия в средствах массовой информации на рост преступности в обществе?
XII. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:
Насилие; серьезная проблема, которая стоит перед нашим обществом; общепринятый образ жизни; по всему миру; по статистике; постоянно растет; бояться выходить на улицу; когда стемнеет; гарантия безопасности; все виды оружия; оружейный магазин; законопослушные граждане; покупать оружие с целью самозащиты; покупать наркотики; грабеж; кража со взломом; готовы на убийство; пропаганда насилия в средствах массовой информации; ухудшать ситуацию; перестрелка; сцены насилия; преступность несовершеннолетних.
XIII. Подготовьте пересказ текста “B” на английском языке.
XIV. Оцените тяжесть различных преступлений и проступков, приведенных в таблице, по пятибалльной системе (1 – наименее тяжкое, 5 – наиболее тяжкое). Обсудите возможное наказание за данные преступления.
How serious is a crime?
Criminal Act | Rating | ||||
shop-lifting (stealing a camera) | |||||
burglary | |||||
murder of a police officer | |||||
selling drugs (marijuana) | |||||
being drunk in a public place | |||||
bribery of an official | |||||
rape | |||||
selling porno films and books | |||||
crossing the street in the wrong place | |||||
kidnapping (the kidnappers want to get a ransom of 1 mln. dollars) | |||||
driving at 120 miles an hour | |||||
drinking and driving | |||||
disorderly conduct in the cinema | |||||
armed robbery of a bank |
Remember: disorderly conduct – хулиганство, нарушение общественного порядка, хулиганское поведение
armed robbery – вооруженное ограбление
rape – изнасилование
XV. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям английские шутки:
A rich man is dying. Before his death he wants to tell his partner who is in business with him some important things. So he asks his family to leave him with his partner John alone. The rich man thinks that John is a reliable partner and a good friend. When they are alone the man says: “I am dying and I ask you to forgive me. When you were away on business two years ago I took a big sum of money from the safe and never put it back. I sold the secret of your plan to another company for two hundred thousand dollars. Oh, John, I’m very sorry.” “That’s all right,” says John. “I am not so reliable as you think. It was I who put the poison into your coffee yesterday.”
to die – умереть
a reliable partner – надежный партнер
to forgive – прощать
to be away on business – отсутствовать по делам, уехать в командировку
poison – яд
* * *
Believe it or not, but…
… according to the International Association of Art Security, art theft is the second most common international crime in the world (the first is narcotics smuggling).
… fire-insurance companies in the United States pay half the money for fire loss due to arson.
… Murder is the only crime that does not increase during the full moon. Theft, disorderly conduct, larceny, armed robbery, assault and battery, illegal breaking and entering, and rape all statistically increase dramatically during the full moon.
… forensic scientists can determine a person’s sex, age, and race by examining a single strand of hair.
art theft – кража предметов искусства
an insurance company – страховая компания
fire loss – убытки во время пожара
arson – поджог
the full moon – полная луна
theft – кража
disorderly conduct – хулиганство, нарушение общественного порядка, хулиганское поведение
larceny - воровство
armed robbery – вооруженное ограбление
assault and battery – оскорбление действием
illegal - незаконный
rape – изнасилование
forensic – судебный (forensic medicine – судебная медицина)
a strand of hair – волос