XIII. Подготовьте пересказ текста “B” на английском языке.

XIV. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям английские шутки:

A husband said to his friend, “My wife does not allow me to sleep. She is afraid of thieves, she wakes me up if she hears the slightest noise, and makes me get up to see if there are any burglars in the house.”

“You can easily get over that difficulty. Just explain to your wife that thieves don’t make any noise, they work quietly and don’t disturb anybody.”

“I explained it to her two days ago but it only made things worse. Now she wakes me up several times every night because she hears nothing”.


a thief (thieves) – вор

a burglar – грабитель, взломщик

the slightest noise – малейший шум

to get over smth – справиться с чем-либо, преодолеть что-либо

to disturb smb – побеспокоить кого-либо

It only made things worse. – (зд.) Это только обострило ситуацию.

* * *

One night a policeman stopped two cars, one after another, and gave the drivers who were both judges tickets for speeding. When the cases came up for hearing the next day, the two judges agreed that each of them should leave the bench in turn and the other one should hear the case.

The first judge pleaded guilty and received a fine of ten dollars. When they exchanged places the second magistrate also pleaded guilty and was rather shocked to receive a fine of fifteen dollars.

“That’s not fair,” he complained. “I only fined you ten dollars.”

“I know,” was the reply, “but there is too much of this sort of thing going on – this is the second case of speeding today.”


to plead guilty – признать себя виновным

That’s not fair. – Это несправедливо.

there is too much of this sort of thing going – (зд.) происходит слишком много подобных нарушений

* * *

Believe it or not, but…

… in Texas, USA, before 1932 an escape from prison was not considered a crime if the prisoner escaped without using fire arms.

… if you leave an elephant on the parking lot in Florida you must pay for the parking as if it were a car.

… in Indiana it is illegal to go to the cinema or to the theatre or use public transport if you ate garlic less than four hours before that.


an escape from prison - побег из тюрьмы

was not considered a crime – не считался преступлением

parking lot – стоянка, место для парковки

as if it were… – (зд.) как если бы он был…

garlic - чеснок

less than – менее, чем