Text A Definitions of Public Relations
Unit 1 What is PR?
Text В 'My Friends And Family Still Aren't Sure Exactly What I Do'
Public relations as a profession was established less than a hundred years ago. At the same time during it's relatively brief history people always tried to give definitions to public relations. The earliest definitions emphasized the roles of press relations and publicity because these were the most important fields from which modern public relations grew.
Later in the twentieth century as public relations was recognized and used by more organizations, definitions began to include:
the need for research before actions, careful planning and evaluation of results;
a systematic process, not a one-time activity;
multiple publics;
its role as an important function of management;
public participation as an important tool;
the need for long-term projects.
In 1988 (nineteen eighty eight) the Assembly of the Public Relations Society of America made an attempt to solve this problem. It officially adopted a definition of public relations which has become very popular and widely used; «Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other.»
In this definition, the functions of research, planning, communications, dialogue and evaluation are mentioned. Key words are «organization» rather than the «company» or «business», and «publics» which means that all organizations have multiple publics with which they have to work.
British Institute of Public Relations (IPR) has the following definition of PR:
'Public relations is the planned and sustained effort to establish
and maintain goodwilland understanding between an organisation and its publics.' By words it is 'the planned and sustained effort' it means that PR activity is organised as a campaign or programme and is a. continuous systematic activity. Its purpose is 'to establish and maintain mutual understanding' — that is, to make sure that the organisation is understood by others. This mutual understanding is made between an organisation and its publics.
relatively — относительно
brief— короткий, непродолжительный
definitions — определения
emphasized— придавали большое значение, акцентировали внимание на...
press relations — связи с прессой, медиа-рилейшнз
publicity — известность, слава
to recognize — зд. признавать
began to include — начали включать в себя
actions — действия
careful planning — тщательное планирование
evaluation of results — оценка результатов
one-time activity — разовая деятельность
multiple publics — множество аудиторий
public participation— участие аудитории (общественности)
tool — инструмент
long-term — продолжительный
made an attempt — сделала попытку
to adopt — зд. принимать
widely used — широко используется
adapt — адаптироваться, подстраиваться
mutually — совместно, взаимообразно
research — исследование
to mention — упоминать
кеу words — ключевые слова (понятия)
planned and sustained effort — запланированные и непрерывные, продолжительные действия (усилия)
to establish — устанавливать
to maintain — поддерживать
goodwill — доброжелательность
campaign— кампания
purpose — цель
Exercise A. Answer the following questions:
1) When did public relations become a profession?
2) What did early definitions of PR emphasize?
3) Why did the definitions of PR started to change?
4) What did the new definitions of PR include?
5)What is said about public participation?
6) What type of meeting of PR professionals was being held in 1988?
7) What organization organized the Assembly of PR professionals?
8) What is the definition of PR by IPR?
9) What is said about mutual understanding in the definition by british PR professionals?
Exercise B. True of false?
1. The history of public relations is 100 years old.
2. The history of PR as a profession is relatively brief.
3. People always tried to give definitions to multiple publics.
4. Modern public relations grew out of fields of publicity and press, relations.
5. Public relations was recognized by more organizations later.
6. Definitions of PR began to include multiple audiences and onetime activities.
7. PR is not a systematic process, it is rather a function of management.
8. In 1988 the Assembly of the PRSA made an attempt to solve the problem of a definition of the PR.
9. In the definition adopted by PRSA the function of research and dialogue are mentioned.
10.Key words in the definition of PR are "organization" and "publics".
11.British Institute of PR in its' definition mentions goodwill and understanding.
12.The purpose of the PR, according to the text, is 'to establish mutual misunderstanding'.
Exercise С Fill in the gaps:
1) PR as a profession was ... less than a 100 years old.
2) People always tried to give ... to public relations.
3) The earliest definitions ... the roles of press relations and publicity.
4) The most important fields PR grew from are ... and ....
5) Later PR was ... and ... by more organizations.
6) In 1988 PRSA made ... to solve the problem of a definition.
7) PRSA officially ... a definition of PR in 1988.
8) In the definitions by PRSA functions of ..., planning, communications, dialogue are ... .
9) ... in the definition of PR are "organization" and "publics".
10) "Public relations is the planned and ... to establish and main
tain ... and understanding between an organization and its pub
Exercise D. Translate:
1) PR как профессия насчитывает менее ста лет.
2) История PR относительно коротка.
3) Ранние определения PR делали акцент на отношениях с прессой и известности.
4) Позднее в двадцатом веке PR были признаны и задействованы большим количеством организаций и бизнесменов.
5) Более поздние определения PR стали включать в себя необходимость исследований перед началом действий.
6) Перед началом действий необходимо осторожное планирование, оценка результатов.
7) PR — это систематический процесс, не одноразовый вид деятельности.
8) PR работает со многими аудиториями.
9) Участие публики — важный инструмент PR.
10)PR нуждается в долгосрочных проектах.
Exercise E. Discussion
1) What definition of PR do you like more — by PRSA or IPR? What are these organizations? How are they different? How different are their definitions? Explain.
2) What definition of PR is used in your country? Translate it into English and compare with the definitions from the text.
3) What is different in the definition of PR in your country? Write down a definition of PR practice in your country that you think will reflect the national culture.
"Similar notions in many definitions suggest that public relations:
1. Conducts a planned and sustained program as part of management
2. Deals with the relationships between an organization and its publics
3. Monitors awareness, opinions, attitudes, and behavior inside and outside the organization
4. Analyzes the impact of policies, procedures, and actions on publics
5. Adjusts those policies, procedures, and actions found to be in conflict with, the public interest and organizational survival
6. Counsels management on the establishment of new policies, procedures, and actions that are mutually beneficial to the organization and its publics
7. Establishes and maintains two-way communication between the organiza tion and its publics
8. Produces specific changes in awareness, opinions, attitudes, and behaviors inside and outside the organization
9. Results in new and/or maintained relationships between an organization and its publics"
From Effective Public Relations, Seventh edition, by Scott Cutlip et al.
Text В
«My Friends And Family Still Aren't Sure Exactly What I Do»
When I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in PR from California State I had a new diploma, a smile on my face and no idea of my plans for future.But I was so happy to have graduated! The fact that I had no plan didn't botherme at all. I wanted to have the feeling of freedom as long as possible.So, Ichose an easy summer internship.At the time it was great. I had little responsibilityand made decentmoney.
When the summer was over, it was time for me to start working and I understood that I had no experiencein public relations. I was nervousbut began to research different companies.
Ifound the Orange County Visitor BureauWeb site. I had never thought about the tourism industry,but, as I looked at the
site, Ibecame interested. I called and was told that they had an entry-level positionin the department of communications. The jobwas waiting for me.
My first interview with the Convention Bureau came after three weeks of job hunting. My lack of experiencemade me nervous about the interview, but I had some important experience. Iwas the editor-in-chiefof my college paperand Ihad served as executive directorof Communications Weekat California State University. These were my trump cardsand they worked.
I knew that it would take a few monthsto find a job and that it would be rareto get a job in my field.I guess I am one of the luckyones — I was hiredby the first organization that I interviewed with. It was an example of the right place at the right time.
Ihave been at the Bureau for 18 months and my friends and family stillaren't sure exactlywhat I do. My friends think that I work for Disney and my father thinks that I am a secretary for the city administration. I'm somewhere in the middle.Our goalat the Bureau is to promoteOrange County as an attractivetourist center.
My first few days on the job were very boring.On day four my manager told us that she was leaving. I was given additional tasksand had to work than any other people who had my position before. That would be like that for the next year. Each month brought with it more challenges. As I proved myself, Iwas given more responsibility and I began to understand public relations.
Adapted from Public Relations Tactics, By Tracy Sandoval