III. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.

Example: My mother earns (little) less than he does.

1. This is (interesting) ______ book I have ever read in my life.

2. You looked really upset yesterday. I’m glad you look (happy) ______ today.

3. Oil is (light) ______ than water.

4. Buy some of these flowers: they are very (nice) ______.

5. My brother worked (hard) ______ and (hard) ______ as the end of the term came nearer.

6. Which is (beautiful) ______ place in the world?

7. Asia is (large) ______ than Australia.

8. Lisa met her (good) ______ friend yesterday.

9. He is as (tired) ______ as you.

10. Let’s go by bus. It’s much (cheap) _______.

11. The grass is always (green) ______ on the other side.

12. My cold is (bad) _______ today than it was yesterday.

13. Athens is (far) ______ from London than Rome is.

14. She is not so (busy) ______ as he is.

15. Ann is (clever) ______ girl in the class.

16. The weather is (fine) ______ today than it was yesterday.

17. My cat is as (good) ______ as yours.

18. Mr. Brown is (rich) ______ than Mr. Green, but I don’t think he is (happy) ______ than Mr. Green.

19. This exercise is (difficult) ______ than the first one.

20. My grandfather was one of (experienced) ______ workers at the factory.




The personal pronoun


I. Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой личных местоимений.


Example: This is Jack’s camera. I’ll give it to him.

1. He is very handsome. I envy ______.

2. They are not reliable. He doubts______.

3. I taught her._____ learned it from_____.

4. We asked for his advice. ______ advised _______ not to come.

5. He dislikes her, and she hates _______; it's evident.

6. You should be there on time; I want ______ to come on time.

7. She is English; _______ gave me lessons in English.

8. They are our friends. We invited ______ to the party.

9. It was he who wrote this letter. I recognized ______ by handwriting.

10. Did you see the snake? - Yes, I saw _____and _____ saw_____.

11. Where's Tom? - That's ______ over there.

12.Where's my map? - I left ______ on the desk.

13.Look at that bird._____ always comes to my window.

14.What time is _________? - ______ is four sharp.

15.Who is that?-_____ 's me.

16. Hi, it is so nice to see______ again.

17.______ doesn't matter.

18.______ is not a boy, ______ is a girl.

19. You object to our visiting ______, don't you?

20. You are not guilty of ____, are you?



The possessive pronoun

II. Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой притяжательных местоимений.


Example: You have made some mistakes in your dictation.

1. This book belongs to me. This is______ book.

2. Whose book is that? It is not _____.

3. The cat ate ______ food.

4. She took out _______ purse and gave it to me.

5. A friend of ______ gave me that toy.

6. This is their car. That car is ____, too.

7. May I introduce one of _____ colleagues to you?

8. Have you lost ____ books here?

9. Every season is beautiful in ______ own way.

10. They would like to have a house of ______ own.

11. I'll try ____ best, I promise.

12. Each country has ____own customs.

13. He is going to be late. Would you mind _____ coming a bit later?

14. Lend me _____ pen, I've lost _______.

15. They like it. It's ______ favourite habit.