Вставьте пропущенные слова в текст.
forwarder specializes instructions bulk
double requirements quoted deadline
samples assured confirmed representative
dispatch quarter
TO: Brian Sharp
Date: 21st May 2004
From: Nigel Parkinaon - for information only
Subject: Order for Berber carpets - B3434/H
I have examined the ___ (1) received from Eastern Carpets and am convinced that they meet our____(2), The prices____(3) are also satisfactory and there is a good discount on _____(4) orders.
Mr Hossan, the London (5) of Eastern Carpeta has assured me that his company can meet our 1st November_____ (6), and think has been____(7) in writing by his head office.
I have already given our packing ____ (8) to Mr Hassan and he has____(9) me that his company will use a freight (10) who____ (11) in the____(12) of goods to the United Kingdom.
According to our sales figures for the last____(13) the demand for this type of carpet is rising. Therefore, we may be able to____(14) our next order.
Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Memoranda are notes used for communications within a single company.
2. The information should be laid out clearly and succinctly.
3. Memos generally act as informal notes, they need not strictly be written in the style of formal letters.
Поставьте глагол в нужное время.
1. If you (to write) a memo tomorrow we (to pin) it on a notice board.
2. Memos can (to use) for a variety of other purposes.
3. Some companies (to use) memos for general information.
Используйте будущее время, чтобы выразить уверенность и определенность. Переведите на русский язык.
We (to arrange) credit to include the cost of freight and insurance.
Составьте предложения из слов, переведите их.
Shall, soon, goods, send, we, the, as, possible.
Can, our, you, help, agents.
Вариант 4