a turning point поворотный пункт
be determined (to do sth) быть полным решимости (что-н сделать)
take place иметь место, состояться
Ex 1 Answer the following questions.
1. When and where was Joe Hill born? 2. What was his real name? 3. When did he come to the United States? 4. Why did Joe Hill join the I.W.W.? 5. What sort of organization was the Industrial Workers of the World? 6. How did Joe Hill fight for a better future for the working people? 7. What happened on January 10, 1914 in Salt Lake City? 8. Who were the real killers of the grocer? 9. What did Mrs Morrison tell the police? 10. Why did the police keep Joe Hill under arrest? 11. What made Joe Hill "a marked man"? 12. Why did people all over the world protest against the trial? 13. Why does Joe Hill live on in the hearts of the people?
Ex 2 Find in the text the English for the following phrases, and use them in retelling and discussing the text.
ужасное известие; признать виновным в убийстве; протестовать против судилища; возглавить борьбу рабочих; квалифицированные рабочие; неквалифицированные рабочие; посещать собрания; сочинять песни; как ни странно; быть на заметке у полиции; власти штата; забастовочное движение.