Ex 11 Translate the following sentences into English, using a different phrasal verb in each.
work out (2), sell out, think out, hand out, help out, hear out
1. План был хорошопродуман. 2. Тетради былирозданы, просмотрены и снова возвращены преподавателю. 3. Она попросила менявыслушать ее. 4. Как всегда, он надеялся, что кто-нибудьвыручитего. 5. Прошло несколько дней, прежде чем быловыработано решение. 6. Пока еще трудно сказать, сколько времени у него уйдет на то, чтобыразработать тему. 7. Словарь былраспродан менее чем за неделю.
Ех 12 Compare the meaning of the words in bold type with words of the same root in Russian.
1. There areunlimited reserves ofenergy in theatoms of different chemical elements. 2. Scientists think that only theplanet Earth has oceans. 3. Without sea there is no life, no weather, noatmosphere. The sea makes ourclimate neither very hot nor very cold. 4. Greatprogresshas been made inmechanising heavy work inindustry, building and transport. 5. In building work newtypes ofexcavators are being used tomechanise excavation work. 6. In oil industryturbine methods are beingpractised. 7. New types ofmechanical, optical andelectrical control-regulating apparatus forautomatising production and for scientific work have beenconstructed. 8. The radio was born in Russia. On May 7, 1895 at a meeting of the RussianPhysical and Chemical Society in St Petersburg the firstradio-receiving set in the world wasdemonstrated by the great Russian scientist A. S. Popov. 9. The world's first cracking of oil at high temperature wasexperimented in Russia. The theory of the crackingprocess was worked out by A. A. Letny, a Russian engineer, in 1875. 10. The world's firstairplane built by A. F. Mozhaisky, rose into the air in Russia in 1882. 11. Themonumental building of theMineralogical Museum of the Academy of Science, which was founded in the time of Peter I, has one of the world's richestcollectionsof minerals.