Ex 33 Use the Passive Voice in the following sentences.


1. They will dictate the telegram to her over the telephone. 2. They repeated the same thing to him several times. 3. Among other things he mentioned to me this most interesting fact. 4. Did they explain the difficulty to you? 5. They described .to us the life in this out-of-the-way place.


Ex 34 Translate the following sentences.


1. Нам объяснили, в чем была проблема. 2. Ей повторили адрес несколько раз. 3. Мне так хорошо описали дорогу к его дому, что я сразу нашел его. 4. Им объяснили все значения этого слова. 5. Секретарю продиктовали письмо по телефону. 6. Мне лишь упомянули об этом инциденте. 7. Сообщение повторялось по радио с интервалами в 15 минут.

Passive Voice with Verbs which Have

Two Direct Objects (ask, envy, teach)***

Ex 35 Use the Passive Voice in the following sentences.


1. The lecture was interesting, the students asked the professor a lot of questions. 2They taught him several languages when he was a child. 3. They often ask him such questions. 4. They teach us two foreign languages at this Institute. 5. He taught them how to play the game. 6. He asked them to hand in their reports at once. 7. They envied him his talent.

Ex 36 Translate the following sentences.


1. Лектору задали очень много вопросов. 2. Его обучали английскому языку, когда он был ребенком. 3. Их попросили прийти вовремя. 4. Какие вопросы ему задали? 5. Ее спросили, как туда пройти. 6. Нас научили, как играть в эту игру. 7. Меня спросили, где я родилась. 8. Какие предметы преподают на первом курсе?

Passive Voice with Verbs which Have a Prepositional Object

Ex 37 Use the Passive Voice in the following sentences according to the model translate them into Russian.


Model: They looked at the picture with admiration.

The picture was looked at with admiration.


1. They listened to his lectures with great interest. 2. He throws away all his old note-books at the end of the school year. 3. You must think the matter over. 4. They spoke to the Dean on the subject. 5 We must send for the doctor immediately. 6. People talk much about this film. 7. People always laughed at his jokes. 8. They argued about the incident for a long time. 9. We can't speak of such important matters lightly. 10. She likes when people talk about her.