Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Отношение к служащим и коллегам; образование, стаж работы; абсолютная власть; пересматривать взгляды и отменять решения; равные возможности для всех; талантливые и опытные работники; создают благоприятную атмосферу на работе; поддерживал строгую дисциплину; увольнял служащих; привлекались к принятию решений; главным образом.


Answer the following questions.

1. What is a style of leadership?

2. What is the traditional classification of leadership styles?

3. What is the autocratic style of leadership?

4. What is the democratic style of leadership?

5. What was Henry Ford famous for?

6. What was Alfred P. Sloane known for?


Write down advantages and disadvantages of the autocratic and democratic styles of leadership.

Вариант 3

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to Participle I and Participle II. Underline them and define their functions.

a)While examining the documents, the experts paid special attention to the legal matters.

b) The director is well informed about the employees` work.

c) The number of people working in manufacturing industries has decreased.

d) The given experiment proves the new theory.

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to Gerund. Underline it and define syntactical function of a gerund in every sentence.

a) Our main goal is satisfying the needs of our customers.

b) They finished discussing the matter at 10.

c) I like the way of serving customers in this shop.

d) The idea of spending our holidays on the Volga belongs to my brother.

Insert the particle “to” before the Infinitive wherever necessary.

Underline it and define its function.

a) He came to London…study management.

b) My son asked me…let him…go to the theatre.

c) We saw the ship…move.

d) The worker pretended not…see the supervisor.


Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to Complex Object Construction and Complex Subject Construction. Underline and define a type of construction in every sentence.

a) The company office is said to be in the centre of the town.

b) He asked me to telephone him in the evening.

c) The right management is considered to be the most important factor in determining success.

d) The manager heard the salesgirl speak to a customer very politely.



Read the text and translate it.